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What is your stance on abortion?


Posted 8:19 am, 05/19/2015

Haven't read the whole thread, but amen 268 .

Adopt a child or help a poor family, that should help some of you get your mind off a woman's right to choose, which she has , and should have.


Posted 7:44 am, 05/19/2015

Top Soil seems you enjoy being Six DAY CREATION. . LEARN THE FIG TREE . JOHN 8:31-32;51


Posted 7:36 am, 05/19/2015

Note from GoNC: this post was removed for racism.

Top Soil

Posted 7:13 am, 05/19/2015

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 4:47 pm, 05/18/2015

Murder is murder no matter what name is used. Hitler also Aborted Human Life. If a unborn child is that easy to destroy and feel no remorse what does that say about the American society moral Standards. wh*res murders thieves real good christian people saved by church grace.

75% of all fertilized eggs fail.

About 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

15-20% of confirmed pregnancies end in miscarriage.

That means 1 of 3 pregnancies end in miscarry, usually before the woman even knows they're pregnant.

If you are one who believes that "God formed you in the womb". Then you have to admit that god is the most prolific abortionist.


Posted 3:23 am, 05/19/2015

if i was a female & going to have a child & i choose to do this thats my bussiness not go wilkes bussiness


Posted 2:51 am, 05/19/2015

Once you have grasped something inside, squeeze on the clamp to set the jaws and pull hard�really hard. You feel something let go and out pops a fully formed leg about six inches long.

Description of an abortion. It's sickening.


Posted 9:53 pm, 05/18/2015

The gun analogy does not work. A gun has many functions. Sadly, one is murder. Abortion has only one function. Murder of the unborn. A person is either personally pro life or pro abortion. If you would not have an abortion, you are pro life. It has nothing to do with other people, it is what you would do.


Posted 4:56 pm, 05/18/2015

Take away All Biblical Standards and Go for it. 2 Timothy 4


Posted 4:52 pm, 05/18/2015

oh your back? where'd you go?


Posted 4:47 pm, 05/18/2015

Murder is murder no matter what name is used. Hitler also Aborted Human Life. If a unborn child is that easy to destroy and feel no remorse what does that say about the American society moral Standards. wh*res murders thieves real good christian people saved by church grace.


Posted 4:14 pm, 05/18/2015

It's not a black and white subject. Things rarely are, It's not a right or wrong ,


Posted 4:09 pm, 05/18/2015

Wow!.....Only 4.5 million are against and over 8 million are for abortion! Holy smokes!


Posted 3:33 pm, 05/18/2015

There are people on here that don't believe the government should take away their guns, but are perfectly content with the government telling a woman what she has to do. Then they don't want the government to give everyone the freedom to marry, but get upset if they feel the government is taking away any of their freedoms.


Posted 3:21 pm, 05/18/2015

You are incorrect, papa1. A lot of people do not like abortions, never have chosen abrtions for themselves, but believe it is a decision between a woman and her Dr.

That does not make one pro abortion.

Since guns are used to murder people does that make you pro- murder if you like guns?


Posted 3:20 pm, 05/18/2015

sgtkracka (view profile)

Posted 3:06 pm, 05/18/2015

High of course I would try to convince her not to get an abortion but it would still be her choice. If she did the get the abortion anyway I can say our relationship would be over.

one must wonder, how many times it happens over and over and the man has no clue. There are victims organizations for men now, who have found out and was just as tramatized. Believe it or not, I think there should be more say so from the men.


Posted 3:19 pm, 05/18/2015

I don't think anyone is really " pro abortion". That's not right, Papa. I am pro choice, however I don't think I personally would ever have an abortion, but it is not my right to say another woman can't choose to do so.


Posted 3:12 pm, 05/18/2015

Pro choice is the wrong term. It is either Pro Life or Pro Abortion. If you against abortion you are pro life. For abortion is Pro Abortion.


Posted 3:12 pm, 05/18/2015

I was against it until I ran into sewerpit...


Posted 3:11 pm, 05/18/2015

Good movie to watch is Cider House Rules. It helps one think about the bigger picture.


Posted 3:08 pm, 05/18/2015

It's one of those things that makes me cringe. I don't know which is worse, bringing a child into the world to be neglected or abused, or living in poverty, or with a parent that does not want them, or abortion. Both are horrible choices.

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