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What is your stance on abortion?


Posted 10:12 am, 05/19/2015

Embryo Adoption

Page Highlights:

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health (OASH) is responsible for administering the frozen embryo adoption public awareness campaign. The campaign supports grants, cooperative agreements and/or contracts which aim to increase public awareness of embryo donation/adoption. The program may also fund projects that provide services to make this family building option more attainable for infertile individuals.

In the course of treatments for infertility, couples usually produce more embryos than they can use. These supernumerary embryos are generally frozen while the couple who created them decides about their ultimate disposition. This freezing process is known as cryo-preservation. The latest data suggest that there are more than 600,000 cryo-preserved embryos in the United States. However, it is likely that the vast majority of these cryo-preserved embryos are still being considered for use in the family-building efforts of the couples who created them. Moreover, some embryos are earmarked by the creating couples for use in research. Nevertheless, it is thought that there may be as many as 60,000 frozen embryos which could potentially be made available for embryo adoption (i.e., the transfer of the embryo to the uterus of a woman who intends to bear a child and to be that child's parent). The ultimate purpose of the program is to promote the use of embryo/donation as a family-building option.

Thought this was interesting


Posted 10:09 am, 05/19/2015

Lungs, stomach, and kidneys don't even start to develop until 10-11 weeks in utero.

All these people that say abortion is killing babies, my question is how is that possible when there isn't life.

It's obvious you can not exist without your major organs.

Top Soil

Posted 10:06 am, 05/19/2015

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 9:55 am, 05/19/2015

I don't see why this conversation is still going on.
Quick question, can you function without your kidneys, lungs, and stomach? If the answer is no, then you've proved pro-choice.


Top Soil

Posted 10:05 am, 05/19/2015

outsidelookingin (view profile)

Posted 10:02 am, 05/19/2015

That and the fact that someone else's drama helps us to forget the **** in our own pathetic lives


I think people stand on the corner and call other people baby killers because that makes them feel better about the sins that they have committed.


Posted 10:02 am, 05/19/2015

That and the fact that someone else's drama helps us to forget the **** in our own pathetic lives


Posted 10:00 am, 05/19/2015

Because it's dramatic, and people need drama to feel alive.

Top Soil

Posted 9:59 am, 05/19/2015

papa1 (view profile)

Posted 9:27 am, 05/19/2015

I am not forcing anyone to do anything. Either you are pro life or pro abortion. I assume from your post, you are pro abortion. I don't understand the reference to a c section. A c section is a surgical procedure used because the mother is unable to deliver naturally. A c section is not abortion. A c section is used to save the mother and or the child.

IF you are one of the many who push to have abortions outlawed, then yes you are forcing people to do things against their will.

I'm not pro-abortion, I, personally, am pro-life, but as a society I know everyone else isn't in the same shoes as myself, so they are the best person to make decisions for themselves. This makes me pro-choice. I don't have a v*gina, so I'm not qualified to make decisions for those that possess one.

A C Section is a surgery to terminate the condition known as a pregnancy.

An abortion is a surgery to terminate the condition known as a pregnancy.

The only difference is the amount of time that the fetus has spent gestating.


Posted 9:55 am, 05/19/2015

I don't see why this conversation is still going on.

Quick question, can you function without your kidneys, lungs, and stomach? If the answer is no, then you've proved pro-choice.

Top Soil

Posted 9:49 am, 05/19/2015

outsidelookingin (view profile)

Posted 9:26 am, 05/19/2015

empowers, you are right, the people who make decisions are not always concerned about innocent or guilty, or about anything other than what benefits them at the moment.

If those babies are innocent like empowers stated, then technically they get a free pass to heaven, The mother aborting them alleviates the risk of them NOT being saved and going to h*ll.

Top Soil

Posted 9:46 am, 05/19/2015

empowers (view profile)

Posted 9:04 am, 05/19/2015

I have noticed that immorality is pushed and promoted via Hollywood, movies......

...And scapegoating your sins onto an innocent life instead of taking responsibility for your own actions IS moral?


Posted 9:44 am, 05/19/2015

Self righteous indignation rarely helps any situation .

"self-righteous indignation and complacency"
synonyms:sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, self-satisfied, smug, priggish, complacent,pious, moralizing, preachy, superior,hypocritical;
"we listened to Mom because she wasn't as self-righteous as you"


Posted 9:27 am, 05/19/2015

I am not forcing anyone to do anything. Either you are pro life or pro abortion. I assume from your post, you are pro abortion. I don't understand the reference to a c section. A c section is a surgical procedure used because the mother is unable to deliver naturally. A c section is not abortion. A c section is used to save the mother and or the child.


Posted 9:27 am, 05/19/2015

Your last point is basically in support of abortion if you think about it, empowers. Just like you said, whether it is legal or not, people will do it if they really want to. Why not grant those that want to do it to with a qualified doctor & medication, instead of forcing them to go to a black market quack with a knife and a gnarly staph infection that practices out of the back of a van?


Posted 9:26 am, 05/19/2015

empowers, you are right, the people who make decisions are not always concerned about innocent or guilty, or about anything other than what benefits them at the moment.

I think people who get really excited about someone having an abortioin is going to help that situation by helping the poor, doing some charity work, working with parents on parenting skills, working with teenagers who become pregnant. Also try counseling rape victims, who are 11 to 14 years old, and become pregnant, sometimes from a close family member. Do some of those things and maybe people would have fewer abortions to complain about, and a lot less time to worry about it.


Posted 9:22 am, 05/19/2015

People will do what they want to no matter what the rules are, no matter who says it is right or wrong. And because people will do what they want to do regardless of what the law says self defense should be a priority. Of course an infant is totally defenseless, totally innocent but is still killed by those who have no respect for the dignity of innocense.

Jesus was innocent.


Posted 9:04 am, 05/19/2015

For me it was wrong and so glad I had the clarity to see that. My daughter is 33, married and has two sons. She may have never been if I had had an abortion as her dad asked me to.

I have noticed that immorality is pushed and promoted via Hollywood, movies, TV, etc. It is like one hand is washing the other...the promoters of immorality are actually helping the abortion clinics to make more money. Neither one could care less about you or your child. I say piss on them. We are not mindless robots. You don't have to go to church to know right from wrong. It is already written in your heart. So if you go out and have an abortion you are apparently listening to someone or something, not your own heart.

Top Soil

Posted 8:46 am, 05/19/2015

papa1 (view profile)

Posted 3:12 pm, 05/18/2015

Pro choice is the wrong term. It is either Pro Life or Pro Abortion. If you against abortion you are pro life. For abortion is Pro Abortio

Abortion isn't murder.

The termination of a pregnancy at 9 months is called a cesarean section. The fetus doesn't die, because it has the ability to survive outside the womb.

You do not have the right to force someone to donate a kidney or bone marrow, in order to prevent your death.

It is immoral for us as a society to kill one person, in order to harvest his organs so we can save 5,10, or 20 people.

I do not have the right to force you to be surgically attached to me in order for you to support my life, that will be wrong.

It is NOT murder, if you were to surgically remove me from your body in the above scenario.


Posted 8:42 am, 05/19/2015

Top Soil (view profile)

MagnaDoodle (view profile)

Posted 8:22 am, 05/19/2015

I know I'm wasting my own time reading or responding to anything Mikey says, but just flippin' tell me WHAT SIX DAY CREATION IS?!?! Please, in the name of all that is holy (more like holey when it comes to you though). What are you selling Mike??

You ARE wasting your time. He rambles incoherently about how he is right and everyone else is wrong when logic, and the fact that he has yet to graduate high school, let alone middle school, tells us other wise. Why is it that whenever god feels the need to send a messenger, he always chooses the most ignorant and least credible?
Good question. It makes me think of another good questions: If aliens are so smart, then why, oh why, do they always abduct the dumbest people?

BTW, to pull this back around to the topic at hand. An abortion is up to the woman, if she can live with it, then you can too.

Top Soil

Posted 8:33 am, 05/19/2015

MagnaDoodle (view profile)

Posted 8:22 am, 05/19/2015

I know I'm wasting my own time reading or responding to anything Mikey says, but just flippin' tell me WHAT SIX DAY CREATION IS?!?! Please, in the name of all that is holy (more like holey when it comes to you though). What are you selling Mike??

You ARE wasting your time. He rambles incoherently about how he is right and everyone else is wrong when logic, and the fact that he has yet to graduate high school, let alone middle school, tells us other wise. Why is it that whenever god feels the need to send a messenger, he always chooses the most ignorant and least credible?


Posted 8:22 am, 05/19/2015

I know I'm wasting my own time reading or responding to anything Mikey says, but just flippin' tell me WHAT SIX DAY CREATION IS?!?! Please, in the name of all that is holy (more like holey when it comes to you though). What are you selling Mike??

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