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What is your stance on abortion?


Posted 2:21 pm, 05/19/2015

Top soil, thank you, you proved my point.


Posted 1:31 pm, 05/19/2015

Skeptic, when exactly are you talking about because lungs don't form until 12 weeks, heck the fetus still has a tail at 8 weeks.

In the state of NC, after 20 weeks it's illegal.

Even it a woman goes in to labor at 23 weeks the chances of survival is 17% so at 20 weeks it's zero.

So if there is zero chance of survival outside the womb then explain how that's living.

Again, no v*gina but I hate ignorance.


Posted 1:26 pm, 05/19/2015

Does something have to breathe to be living? What about functional organs?

Better yet a brain stem.


Posted 1:25 pm, 05/19/2015

Reach in again and grasp whatever you can. Set the jaw and pull really hard once again and out pops an arm about the same length. Reach in again and again with that clamp and tear out the spine, intestines, heart and lungs.

No need to bring religion into it. This is just sick.

[email protected]

Posted 1:17 pm, 05/19/2015

Life is at conception. I do not believe in killing people who have done no harm


Posted 1:10 pm, 05/19/2015

Top Soil

Posted 1:00 pm, 05/19/2015

papa1 (view profile)

Posted 11:04 am, 05/19/2015

Apparently liberals are all inclusive unless the point of view differs from theirs. I just expressed my position. I did not belittle pro abortion advocates or make smug remarks.

Are you really that dense?

My vote is yes.

Top Soil

Posted 1:04 pm, 05/19/2015

swanky (view profile)

Posted 11:35 am, 05/19/2015

I'm just glad that mom didn't abort me. However, some of my foolish actions (in my youth) could have warranted my abortion.

If she did, would you know?

Top Soil

Posted 1:00 pm, 05/19/2015

papa1 (view profile)

Posted 11:04 am, 05/19/2015

Apparently liberals are all inclusive unless the point of view differs from theirs. I just expressed my position. I did not belittle pro abortion advocates or make smug remarks.

Are you really that dense?

Top Soil

Posted 12:59 pm, 05/19/2015

empowers (view profile)

Posted 10:55 am, 05/19/2015

TopSoil despite the fact that babies are innocent so may inherit the Kingdom would you be responsible for their pain when they are aborted? Have you ever considered what if might feel like to be aborted? Don't know about you but I could not be responsible for that. I could not crucify innocense. (Of course ISIS thinks it is okay.)

You don't even understand your own churches doctrine, that every time you sin, you intensify Jesus' past suffering on the cross.

The nervous system in fetus' does not develop to the point of being able to feel pain until about 18-29 weeks. But being able to comprehend pain, is not the same as feeling pain. There are mentally disabled humans alive today that have under developed brains and are not able to comprehend pain like you or I do.


Posted 12:45 pm, 05/19/2015

Maestro (view profile)
Posted 7:36 am, 05/19/2015
I think we should eliminate all fetuses that aren't white. Since they aren't really people it doesn't matter it cannot be racist if it isn't human. Then the welfare system moochers and job stealers will be gone in one generation!

Go abort yourself maestro


Posted 11:35 am, 05/19/2015

I'm just glad that mom didn't abort me. However, some of my foolish actions (in my youth) could have warranted my abortion.


Posted 11:32 am, 05/19/2015

My stance is that is is none of my business, it is between the parents of the unborn child and their God and belief system.


Posted 11:27 am, 05/19/2015

a smoker is gona smoke a drunk is gona drink the way i see it these women gona do this reguradless it is there bussiness not mine or GW when ya try to stop a teen from smoking most likely they;ll do it to show ya they can do the math let these women do this its there bussiness not ours


Posted 11:16 am, 05/19/2015

Abortion is wrong as some won't get the chance to find out what they do/did wrong.


Posted 11:04 am, 05/19/2015

Apparently liberals are all inclusive unless the point of view differs from theirs. I just expressed my position. I did not belittle pro abortion advocates or make smug remarks.


Posted 11:02 am, 05/19/2015



Posted 11:00 am, 05/19/2015

OK well boys are snipped and clipped fresh out of the womb without painkillers because apparently they'll have no memory.

With little to no brain function the fetus has zero pain receptors.


Posted 10:55 am, 05/19/2015

TopSoil despite the fact that babies are innocent so may inherit the Kingdom would you be responsible for their pain when they are aborted? Have you ever considered what if might feel like to be aborted? Don't know about you but I could not be responsible for that. I could not crucify innocense. (Of course ISIS thinks it is okay.)


Posted 10:43 am, 05/19/2015

They don't want to think about that situation, it makes them uncomfortable.

I don't have a v*gina and will never have to make this decision, thankfully.

Top Soil

Posted 10:23 am, 05/19/2015

@outside, your post brings up a good question.

The question that none of the pro-lifers can answer is;

If a building was on fire, and inside were an eight year-old girl and a freezer with 100,000 embryos. You only have time to save one of them, the girl or the freezer, which one would you save?

the obvious answer is the eight year-old girl. This makes the pro-lifers admit that they themselves don't consider embryos life and their whole argument falls apart.

You can replace the eight year-old girl with an eighty year-old man, and the outcome is the same.

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