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US drug control agency will move to reclassify marijuana in a historic shift, AP sources say

DB Cooper

Posted 4:07 pm, 04/30/2024

The Biden administration said on Friday that it was delaying a decision on whether to ban menthol cigarettes, effectively quashing a proposal that has divided Black American voters and fueled million-dollar lobbying campaigns from the tobacco industry in this presidential election year...

Those efforts posed risks for President Biden, whose support among Black voters has at times slipped in recent months. -- NY Times


Posted 4:00 pm, 04/30/2024

LOL @DB. Yeah, because doing something that a majority of Americans want is so bad.

Trump had 4 years to do the same.


Posted 3:28 pm, 04/30/2024

They's plenty of republican potheads also, Coop. Perhaps Ashe will turn half them tree farms in to weed farms hence get the little fishies back in the river wonst again if them ol boys can manage not to drown em with roundup and such.


Posted 3:22 pm, 04/30/2024

POT is scientifically proven to help sone medical conditions. Follow the science , alcohol is a lot worse and more addictive. The town sales alcohol in three stores now .


Posted 3:10 pm, 04/30/2024

As long as they collect the same tax on hooker's tips as they do on the restaurant server's tips to keep all the taxing DEI approved, go TF ahead.

DB Cooper

Posted 3:07 pm, 04/30/2024

"The election year announcement could help Biden, a Democrat, boost flagging support, particularly among younger voters."

Joe and the dims will do anything for a vote. Including giving away our tax money by the billions.
Last chance to save America November 5, 2024. And it ain't by voting for Joe.

the dog's butler

Posted 2:35 pm, 04/30/2024

Long over due and not far enough


I haven't smoked pot since the 1970's and don't plan to start again. But so many lives have be ruined by getting caught witb pot. For many, pot is a godsend to relieve pain and anxiety. For others, it's a ball and chain like so many other drugs.

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