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Two US TV journalists shot dead on air


Posted 4:04 pm, 08/26/2015

MUSTARD (view profile)

.I just saw on TV......He was a NRA member and a republican....

I doubt that...

The network posted a short story reporting some of the manifesto's contents. They show Flanagan alleging that he had been the victim of bullying and discrimination because he is gay and black.



Posted 3:32 pm, 08/26/2015

How soon before the Democrats blame Trump for turning the country against the media?


Posted 3:15 pm, 08/26/2015

Which flag will they ban now?

Hot Mess

Posted 2:14 pm, 08/26/2015

You notice I didn't post the link to it. Most sites have taken it down. The killer posted it all over the internet. I didn't watch it.


Posted 2:06 pm, 08/26/2015

I really think it is crude to show the video. That's such a personal thing, how would you feel if it were your sister, mother, daughter and the world was getting a sick sort of pleasure from watch their death?

Hot Mess

Posted 2:03 pm, 08/26/2015

The full video is online.


Posted 1:47 pm, 08/26/2015

.I just saw on TV......He was a NRA member and a republican....


Posted 1:46 pm, 08/26/2015

Mock and joke while family and friends suffer. For those trying to be funny....you certainly are not.


Posted 12:49 pm, 08/26/2015

Like I Said Before Obamasons Should not have Guns .Will the Whites burn down the town and loot ?


Posted 12:48 pm, 08/26/2015

They reported a few minutes ago that the perp shot himself but is still alive.


Posted 12:39 pm, 08/26/2015

crabcake is Westboro


Posted 12:37 pm, 08/26/2015

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Posted 12:21 pm, 08/26/2015

Crab cake, you are one of the most vile, racist pigs I have ever seen post on this site. And it it far from liberal.
You spew hatred in one breath and then try to claim you follow God in the next. You sicken me.

Hope you are as sick as I stay from all you libtards spewing h*mosexual nastiness to my kids. And as sick as I stay from seeing how far Abama has put America in a hard ditch to climb out of. Trump/Carson 2016!!! See, I ain't racist, I like Ben Carson!

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 12:23 pm, 08/26/2015

cold blooded murder .....


11:55 a.m.

ABC News says on its website that sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, it received the fax. It describes it as a lengthy document of 23 pages. ABC News says it has turned the document over to authorities. ABC News did not offer any other details.


Posted 12:22 pm, 08/26/2015

go ahead crab...you are acting stupid. how about having the decency to just keep your mouth shut?


Posted 12:21 pm, 08/26/2015

Crab cake, you are one of the most vile, racist pigs I have ever seen post on this site. And it it far from liberal.

You spew hatred in one breath and then try to claim you follow God in the next. You sicken me.


Posted 12:14 pm, 08/26/2015

There's just too much racial divide in the country. Instead of placing the blame where it belongs, we immediately want to place it in a category- black crime/white crime. That's a stupid thing to do, but honestly EVERYONE is doing it.


Posted 12:14 pm, 08/26/2015

Hot Mess (view profile)

Posted 12:07 pm, 08/26/2015

Suspect has shot himself

Another black on black crime!! What are the statistics on that?


Posted 12:13 pm, 08/26/2015

The love, peace, and compassion we show to the families should be praying for the great Comforter to comfort them..... A lot of ya'll don't believe in that, so how will you truly show the family peace, love and compassion? I mourn for the families of white cops that had to take someones life in the line of duty and their lives have been ruined because of it. Then get bashed on this libtard website for saying they were justified for what they did. So yes, I think I will go on and on......

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 12:12 pm, 08/26/2015

he should have done that first and let the others live

Hot Mess

Posted 12:07 pm, 08/26/2015

Suspect has shot himself

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