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Trump rally in New Jersey..


Posted 5:16 am, 05/14/2024

Are you seriously attempting to use a file photo of the inauguration of the first black president crowd to an off the cuff weekend spur of the moment meeting of a Republican candidate in a Democrat state? Your desperation if flagrantly obvious


Posted 1:30 am, 05/14/2024

I was just wondering, do you Democrats ever get embarrassed after the facts get established and you are seen to be such gullible F00Ls? I mean, someone told you 7 thousand and you swallowed it hook line and sinker, only to find out it really was 80 to 100 thousand.

I have yet to ever see any of it "proven" to be wrong. I see where Trump says outrageous things and his followers eat it up and pretend that it's a fact, but there's never any proof.

I showed the pictures, you can easily see that there were nowhere near 10,000 people at the rally... much less 100,000.

Sorta like the hoax they perpetrated about the crowd size at President Trump's first inauguration

No, this one was proven to be one of Trump's many lies, too. Here is a simple side by side comparison of Obama's inauguration to Trump's...

Records show that Obama had about 3 times the number of attendees at his first inauguration than Trump, and about twice as many at his second.

We also know from court records that Trump "hired actors to fill out the audience at the announcement event."


Posted 10:06 pm, 05/13/2024

YOU go, dolly !


Posted 9:59 pm, 05/13/2024

No one is going to play into your low life meltdown again.

Sorry for pointing out how terribly useless you and your exaggerated measurements are.


Posted 9:57 pm, 05/13/2024

Hey shoouldadolly, why do YOU feel compelled to post that lie every time your vile behavior is called out AND exposed for all to see?


Posted 9:54 pm, 05/13/2024

LOL. Thanks for providing nothing of value once again.


Posted 9:45 pm, 05/13/2024

Quite fummy watching 'ol shouldadolly trot out its popular vote distraction, again.

The record clearly shows that our liberal leftist zitZ have gorged themselves with another dose of size envy.

When your info flow comes from los demonRatZ media dogs YOU mornlikely feel President Trump's rally in New Jersey was obscure.

YOU go, dolly, the one AND only cloned shoulda !


Posted 8:14 pm, 05/13/2024

Nah, it was just a waste of everyone's time and energy.

Just glad you're using that DeVry diploma for such wits.


Posted 8:11 pm, 05/13/2024

I knew it was useless when I posted it but was hopeful someone else might read it and be helped.


Posted 7:53 pm, 05/13/2024

Cool. Thanks for a useless effort.


Posted 7:51 pm, 05/13/2024

I realize you were probably dumbed down in government indoctrination clinics but along the way you should have heard, our election process is not a popularity contest. No, we use the Electoral College system, it is called Democracy in a Representative Republic. Go study


Posted 7:46 pm, 05/13/2024

Couldn't care less if it was zero or a billion.

The low level gullibles acting like they won some peeing contest because of "crowd size" at some obscure rally, is truly remarkable.

That two time popular vote loser really got y'all obsessed with dumb she it.


Posted 7:37 pm, 05/13/2024

Uno nothing, how many would you say was there? Let me give you a hint: if it had been a small number, CNN and other Fake News would have covered it.


Posted 7:32 pm, 05/13/2024

Poor guy.


Posted 7:27 pm, 05/13/2024

Quite fummy watching our liberal leftist zitZ' spinstractions AND gesticulations over such a simple matter as size envy.

They lament, bemoan AND whine about their boy, demented pedo joe, is well known for a lack of enthusiasm for his candidacy.

Sorta like the hoax they perpetrated about the crowd size at President Trump's first inauguration in a failed effort to conceal AND distract from their blamtiferZ' rioting.

YOU go, zitZ !


Posted 6:53 pm, 05/13/2024

The low level gullibles live in such a bubble that its hard for them to believe that the two time popular vote loser's crowd size just aint as big as they claim.

Turn your TV off and go outside, politics aint life.

A lot of compensating going on out there.


Posted 6:48 pm, 05/13/2024

I was just wondering, do you Democrats ever get embarrassed after the facts get established and you are seen to be such gullible F00Ls? I mean, someone told you 7 thousand and you swallowed it hook line and sinker, only to find out it really was 80 to 100 thousand. Maybe it is true, ignorance is bliss and Democrats are euphoric.


Posted 3:38 pm, 05/13/2024

Hey flakeyPedoConradDrew, you got nothin and you still lie and whine. It's so YOU!!!!!!


Posted 2:45 pm, 05/13/2024

A 2019 Trump rally, with "just shy of 6,200 supporters"

Trump's campaign staff claimed then, too, that "they had over a million requests for tickets."

He had the same exaggerated claims in his last campaign, always pretending to have 30 or 40,000 people when it was really 5,000... and many of them paid actors. It didn't matter, though, because he still lost in a landslide.


Posted 2:26 pm, 05/13/2024

Hey antZ, we ain't seen a better comparison since the photos of a horse's arse AND YOU went viral.

There are some things better left unseen, but thanks for playing anyway.

YOU go, antZ !

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