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Should marijuana be legalized?


Posted 7:44 pm, 07/28/2014

And does it look like I fit in around here?

Pay attention.


Posted 7:43 pm, 07/28/2014

Compare it to crack.

What a joke. You are nothing but a master liar and manipulator. Read a book.

All you have is insults and no data to support your outlandish claims. So your story is from 20 years ago....one would think it's not a very reliable account.


Posted 7:40 pm, 07/28/2014

Too funny Caj smoke your "crack" and be happy. I am much happier without it for 20+ years. When it smacks you upside the head and I hope it will then I want an apology.

I am so happy that your "consumption" is so munch more than mine. I really do believe it makes you look so much sillier - then again we are in Wilkes County - I am sure it helps you fit right in.

Thank you for bowing down as I am the "wise master" dearest.


Posted 7:29 pm, 07/28/2014

I'm done arguing with this fascist.

I'll leave you with this Candystripe.

A peace token if you will.


Posted 7:28 pm, 07/28/2014



Posted 7:26 pm, 07/28/2014

You are the childish one here. Trying to regulate what other grown adults do with their bodies.


Posted 7:25 pm, 07/28/2014

I can tell you when it comes to marijuana consumption I have much more life experience. LoL.

I've seen plenty people have anxiety or panic attacks. Never one blackout/seizure from the herb. Who knows what pharmaceuticals you could have possibly been on, or anything else you could have been slipped or ingested.

O, wise master of the English language. LoL


Posted 7:25 pm, 07/28/2014

suspicious? NOOOOOO

It is called specious.


Posted 7:23 pm, 07/28/2014

The DEA might lie about some things, NIDA as well.

But they certainly will tell you all the negatives. It's not some crackpot site lady.

But you still only spout misinformation and subjective propaganda.


Posted 7:23 pm, 07/28/2014

Little baby grow up and learn to listen to life experiences.


Posted 7:22 pm, 07/28/2014

You mean suspicious?

I thought you had a better grasp on the English language. Which is hilarious because specious is what your argument is.

Sounds like you had a panic attack.


Posted 7:21 pm, 07/28/2014

We all know that we can believe everything we need on the Internet - don't we!?


Posted 7:20 pm, 07/28/2014

Subvalor2022 (view profile)

Posted 11:38 pm, 07/27/2014

All drugs should be legal because the prohibition on drugs has failed. Filling the state and corporately run prisons with petty drug crimes and has made a black market. Health care should not be free

I agree SubLover
It's a public health issue. And only a criminal issue because of the black market.


Posted 7:19 pm, 07/28/2014

Not comical as I ended up in a hospital in Texas.

I knew where this was grown and dried - nothing specious.


Posted 7:17 pm, 07/28/2014

I'm glad Candystripe can make a claim that 50 years of scientific research and anti-drug crusaders don't even make.

Next what is it rape and murder?


Posted 7:15 pm, 07/28/2014

I'm just thinking that since you appear so na�ve. That it's possible you had to be wasted drunk to smoke the herb.

I'd blame it on the alcohol sweetheart.

Or furthermore show me some cited evidence on the contrary. Besides your bogus, subjective personal opinion. I've used resources that are anti-marijuana, to discredit you.


Posted 7:15 pm, 07/28/2014

No alcohol sweetie.


Posted 7:14 pm, 07/28/2014

You smoked marijuana and then forgot everything you did? Maybe you were also drinking alcohol which is notorious for blackouts and seizures.

Don't be so sure of yourself if a plant as benign as marijuana had you freaking out so bad. Quite comical.


Posted 7:11 pm, 07/28/2014

Had both at different times and I am sure I have a better understanding of the English language than you do dear.

People like their drugs and I knew this would be fruitless. Have at it people.


Posted 7:09 pm, 07/28/2014


Nothing about blackouts or seizures grasshopper.

Maybe it was PCP.

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