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Should marijuana be legalized?


Posted 8:43 pm, 07/27/2014

First off you can't tell us the people what we gonna eat and stuff down our faces. If I wanna Twinkies/not or a pack of chips which is not normal that gives me cancer then that our desition. Now your controlling life. Can't live forever with all your healthy eating addicts idea. I'm no way supporting all this because I've got weight over the entire year course of at least 70 pounds and am still working on it but now your trying to hardest to control life in which human beings have a choice to be junk food eaters. How would you like it if we tore a bag of your favorite munchies and banned it saying this is bad for you when it truth those things could have been all wrong.You wanna know the truth? Today everything gives you cancer from the food on your table the radiation of getting a tan and your not gonna get any closer to saying your skin then we are. I say enjoy life while you still have it with the few pleasures in life because this soda I hold my hand is one of the few I drink at least once a day cause I love it to much to give up and also cause I'm at least decreasing on my consumption.As for smoking that also the right to do with our bodies long as you smoke and pay for those things cause those who chose to smoke tobacco were willing to pay the price for it. Some are gonna have regrets but let me tell you this. They have a choice and it's not as easy as you think it is to give up an addiction. Let me put it to you this way that you can understand. When person has been at it for so long like drinking the fine wine or the eating of a certain meal too the very thing he or she does best with a hobby of their to the computer you use those things are like gold to us and because to precious to give up.The moment you cut them off instantly is like blowing the top off and going senile as if the world has stopped all of a sudden. Marijuana can be used with the drug substance of getting high in which it has been legalized in a liquid substance of helping kids and people under seizures and much worse. Call it sick all you want but if this help society build a better world on medicine you should consider it helpful then threatning. Getting high is no different. Only thing society is gotta worry about with that substance is the food line that gonna be packed in front of mcdonalds, wendys, bk, and any place that open 24/7 assume cause from what I hear it make you hungry as **** in which the food industry would most likely be thanking them sums ah *****es up in the white house for all the money they will be making and supporting it even more lol.


Posted 8:42 pm, 07/27/2014



Posted 8:42 pm, 07/27/2014

All the tobacco free campus and no weapons allowed signs would have to be changed to read "oh yea and no weed"


Posted 8:33 pm, 07/27/2014

I think medical marijuana would be acceptable in NC. But to just legalize, no.


Posted 8:32 pm, 07/27/2014

Yes. Tax Dollars revenue.


Posted 8:31 pm, 07/27/2014



Posted 8:31 pm, 07/27/2014



Posted 8:29 pm, 07/27/2014



Posted 8:25 pm, 07/27/2014



Posted 7:47 pm, 07/27/2014

No. It should not be legalized


Posted 7:45 pm, 07/27/2014

Your rationalization is twisted.


Posted 7:41 pm, 07/27/2014

I say no just based on what the liberal American agenda is.

1: Tobacco smoking is uncool, unhealthy and causes cancer and death. Therefore I don't think smoking marijuana would be any less healthy.

So how else can you use marijuana?

2: You can make marijuana brownies, but eating brownies and those unhealthy fats used in brownies cause obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol which increases risks for strokes and heart attacks. Also some people have gluten brownies and would not be able to eat them and that is discrimination against a minority population.

3. Overeating is an excuse not to deal with problems and seek peace in food which is a crutch. People need to face their demons and problems instead of running from them.

So how should we use legal marijuana without upsetting liberal America that controls anti-smoking and anti-sugar/overeating/unhealthy fats?

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