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Refuse to Issue Marriage License by Magistrate

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 8:44 pm, 06/22/2015

Humble yourself, as His Son did.

Let Him sort it out.



Posted 8:01 pm, 06/22/2015

Who said anything about hating women? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


Posted 8:53 pm, 06/19/2015

Plasmastar (view profile)

Posted 6:58 pm, 06/19/2015

1047pm (view profile)

They come from the same place they come from today. That is one of many things you God haters can't change
Consider a world, where you're actually wrong. Where women can produce offspring using only their genes. This, is the twilight zone, and you're living in it. Then consider not using hateful words to describe somebody else of your own species. You "human hater" you.
You already hate women and have no use for them, why would you want more?


Posted 6:58 pm, 06/19/2015

1047pm (view profile)

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 1:19 pm, 06/17/2015

Question, if Sodom was destroyed because the men were laying with men.... where did the women and children come from?

They come from the same place they come from today. That is one of many things you God haters can't change
Consider a world, where you're actually wrong. Where women can produce offspring using only their genes. This, is the twilight zone, and you're living in it. Then consider not using hateful words to describe somebody else of your own species. You "human hater" you.


Feel Burger

Posted 2:24 pm, 06/19/2015

The golf course part was funny.

wanting to offend people

Posted 2:08 pm, 06/19/2015

Gays are nasty. They tell each other to get a grip when things get rough. At protests they bend over backwards for each other. They got there fellow man's crack, I mean back. They hate putt putt and golf, any course that has more than one hole makes them mad. There favorite jobs besides the you know keeping it pg 13 , is plumber. They love installing other people s pipes. It tickles them to death to go to a cookout and there making hotdogs. As kids there favorite game to play was pin the tail on the donkey.


Posted 1:40 pm, 06/19/2015

I don't contribute to any of them and feel the same no matter. I'm not a hypocrite.


Posted 1:37 pm, 06/19/2015

Is the Clinton Foundation tax exempt?
Does anyone benefit politically by the foundation?


Posted 1:32 pm, 06/19/2015

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 12:53 pm, 06/19/2015

Not for profit my arse.
Do churches not take up "offerings" or have fund raisers? Why you ask to make a profit and what do they do with said profit? Put a new AC unit in, maybe padded pews, are those things needed???

Why would your favorite liberal organization need a subsidy? could it be that the lawmakers thought they were needed. Maybe they need a new ac or big desk, or pay for trips running around the country promoting their cause.

Obama's My Messiah

Posted 1:29 pm, 06/19/2015

It's a good thing our Democrat party tells us what we should or shouldn't believe so we don't have to think for ourselves.


Posted 1:25 pm, 06/19/2015


As long as you misguided beliefs do not interfered with my constitutional rights, then we are all good.

Feel Burger

Posted 1:09 pm, 06/19/2015

I wouldn't care if they are tax exempt.

If they didn't attempt to sway public policy.

Top Soil

Posted 1:02 pm, 06/19/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 12:00 pm, 06/19/2015

The people that make up the Church pay all the taxes that everyone else pays. The Church Ministry is tax exempt non-profit. as your organization would be if it were a non-profit.

You're missing the point, which is that the church(organization) should pay taxes, if they (the people whom make up the church) want their beliefs to be enforced by the government.

Why does the church need a tax subsidy? Why can't the free market of ideas work its ways out?


Posted 12:53 pm, 06/19/2015

Not for profit my arse.

Do churches not take up "offerings" or have fund raisers? Why you ask to make a profit and what do they do with said profit? Put a new AC unit in, maybe padded pews, are those things needed???


Posted 12:47 pm, 06/19/2015

Umpire (view profile)

Posted 12:02 pm, 06/19/2015


True, not supposed to. The leaders of the Church are called for one purpose, that is to lead people to Christ for salvation, and to prepare us for our life with the Lord later.
Not to try to make this place heaven on earth. As the Lord brought the Hebrews out of Egypt so will he take us out of this place. And there will not be one feeble person going out. And we will be taking all the silver and gold. You that are left will not need it as you will not be able to buy or sell.
Psalm 105
37 He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.


Posted 12:19 pm, 06/19/2015

old and tired

Leviticus 20:13

King James BibleIf a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Do we really want to start quoting Leviticus??? it lists about 76 things that you shouldn't do but guess what. Not one person on this earth can truthfully say they don't do at least one of things things on the regular. I once saw someone defend my statement on here by saying times have changed and not all things apply now. My point exactly. . . . times have changed. It's the folks who keep bringing up the bible to make argument against things they simply don't understand that need to broaden their horizons and adapt to that change because like it or not its going to happen.


Posted 12:02 pm, 06/19/2015



Posted 12:00 pm, 06/19/2015

Top Soil (view profile)

Posted 10:06 am, 06/19/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 9:54 am, 06/19/2015

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 9:09 am, 06/19/2015

Here's what I say to churches, when you start paying taxes then get involved in politics.

The church is not the building it is the people, and as such they pay all the same taxes that you pay.
Great!! Now My company doesn't have to pay taxes, because all of the people who incorporate it pay their own taxes. LOL
The people that make up the Church pay all the taxes that everyone else pays. The Church Ministry is tax exempt non-profit. as your organization would be if it were a non-profit.

Top Soil

Posted 10:06 am, 06/19/2015

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 9:54 am, 06/19/2015

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 9:09 am, 06/19/2015

Here's what I say to churches, when you start paying taxes then get involved in politics.

The church is not the building it is the people, and as such they pay all the same taxes that you pay.
Great!! Now My company doesn't have to pay taxes, because all of the people who incorporate it pay their own taxes. LOL

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