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North Carolina's Liar In Chief


Posted 6:33 pm, 03/23/2015

First he screwed up Charlotte, then the rest of NC :'(


Posted 6:28 pm, 03/23/2015

mccronnie is a king George appointee . follow the crumbs . a bush - I mean - boot licker .

Joseph T.

Posted 3:16 pm, 02/09/2015

redfly (view profile)

Posted 2:54 pm, 02/09/2015


The Democratic National Committee will not have to repay the full $10 million line of credit from Duke Energy -- the country's largest electric power company -- used to fund the 2012 Democratic National Convention, contradicting the committee's self-imposed prohibition on corporate funding for the Charlotte-based event.

Duke Energy, which is headquartered in Charlotte, announced Thursday that it would forgive the Democratic Party of its unpaid loans, instead leaving shareholders to cover $6 million, according to the Charlotte Observer.

You mean people who buy power from them will cover that with increased rates.


Posted 2:54 pm, 02/09/2015


The Democratic National Committee will not have to repay the full $10 million line of credit from Duke Energy -- the country's largest electric power company -- used to fund the 2012 Democratic National Convention, contradicting the committee's self-imposed prohibition on corporate funding for the Charlotte-based event.

Duke Energy, which is headquartered in Charlotte, announced Thursday that it would forgive the Democratic Party of its unpaid loans, instead leaving shareholders to cover $6 million, according to the Charlotte Observer.


Posted 2:53 pm, 02/09/2015

I would mention the word Greasy unless you want to add O-Bozo into the mix.

Obama's chief money-raiser Matthew Barzun became the latest major donor to be nominated as an ambassador, when the White House put him forward as the next representative to the Court of St James's, a sought-after posting whose plush residence comes with a garden second only in size to that of Buckingham Palace.

As campaign finance chairman, Barzun helped raise $700m to fund President Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. More than $2.3m of this was raised personally by Barzun, pictured, according to party records leaked to the New York Times, even though he had only just finished a posting as ambassador to Sweden after contributing to Obama's first campaign.

Feel Burger

Posted 2:49 pm, 02/09/2015

Duke Energy connections.

Giving his biggest DONOR a job. Art Pope.

Attempting to steal the Airport away from Charlotte.

Feel Burger called him greasy because it looks like he hasn't showered in days 90% of the time.


Posted 2:40 pm, 02/09/2015

Only in your mind!

Feel Burger

Posted 2:11 pm, 02/09/2015


This guy is so greasy and crooked he makes Feel Burger look like a choir boy.


Posted 2:07 pm, 02/09/2015

Honestly, he's the most competent Governor we've had in decades. All have their faults but this one, at least, isn't a criminal or total buffoon like the last two. Anyone defending those two are simply "party blind".


Posted 1:49 pm, 02/09/2015

Has he been forced to resign in disgrace yet? NC's version of Nixon ?


Posted 7:22 pm, 02/08/2015

Pope Puppet Pat ROTFLMAO

Joseph T.

Posted 10:26 am, 02/08/2015

Rosestar (view profile)

Posted 4:20 am, 02/05/2015

Easley and Purdue weren't the best but they are light years ahead of the moron we have now. And I am sure our teachers love being 47th in the country in pay. A big round of silence for our Liar in Chief in Raleigh .

The Democrats control this state for a century just what did they do to for the teachers? You can't blame either party for the things done or not done by the other party in the past.


Posted 4:39 am, 02/08/2015

After all the lies Obama has told it would take Pat 6 years to catch up to him!!!


Posted 11:41 pm, 02/07/2015

County Line that is an astute observation!


Posted 4:05 pm, 02/07/2015

Im on fire today!


Posted 12:48 pm, 02/07/2015

I could go on.


Posted 12:47 pm, 02/07/2015

Computer maker opens plant in NC



Posted 12:44 pm, 02/07/2015

Furniture maker opened plant in NC.



Posted 12:42 pm, 02/07/2015

China's market share in the global textile industry had rocketed in the past two decades, but lately, Chinese textile companies have been stressed by competition within its borders and by its rising costs of labor, power and land.


Posted 9:50 am, 02/07/2015

uh huh

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