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North Carolina reins in local governments, transgender rule


Posted 2:04 pm, 05/23/2016



Posted 2:03 pm, 05/23/2016

We should be worrying about our children and grand children. Their safety should always be the number one priority.

Our country continues to spiral down. Gays and perverts have more rights than than Christians.


Posted 12:42 pm, 05/21/2016

Maybe these are the people you should be worried about......


Black Lives Matter

Posted 10:44 pm, 05/20/2016

This argument is so funny. Keep going, people... You are entertaining.


Posted 3:03 pm, 05/19/2016

Oh my word! Will the total destruction of my beloved party ever stop? Oh the pain of seeing all of the republicans going down the drain......

Ole Sarge

Posted 12:35 pm, 05/19/2016

excellent article, but it will not be read by liberals


Posted 11:41 am, 05/19/2016


Posted 1:49 pm, 05/11/2016

As far as sports go most have a timeline for Male to Female athletes. I think it varies from 1 to 2 years, but the point is they have already set guidelines for this.


Posted 1:41 pm, 05/11/2016

I would still like to hear what damage you are talking about? I am not happy about all that has happened but I am not a doom and gloom person either. I have an idea your ideal America is not the ideal America for all, however I would love to hear your opinion.


Posted 1:27 pm, 05/11/2016

OK, I've learned something today.

Obviously I don't follow sports at all, but did remember reading about what happened with Maria Sharapova.
That is what I based my earlier statements on. I still don't understand how Maria Sharapova can be crucified for what she did, then let men compete as women after hormone injections.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, why be so critical of altering ones natural capabilities in one instance, then condoning it in another? True athletic skill is based on God given talent and IMHO, anything that alters that in either direction, shouldn't be allowed.
I stand by my statement about Obama's transformation of America and I long for the old America once again.
It's much more than just gay marriage, and I feel sorry for anyone who can't see all the damage done by this administration. I could make a list, but that would be off the topic of this thread. Most here wouldn't agree anyway, so what's the point?
For the record, I wanted to see a Cruz/Carson ticket but looks like that isn't going to happen.

TRUMP 2016!!!!!!


Posted 12:00 pm, 05/11/2016

The EEOC has held that discrimination against an individual because that person is transgender (also known as gender identity discrimination) is discrimination because of sex and therefore is covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. See Macy v. Department of Justice, EEOC Appeal No. 0120120821 (April 20, 2012), http://www.eeoc.gov/decisio...%20ATF.txt. The Commission has also held that discrimination against an individual because of that person's sexual orientation is discrimination because of sex and therefore prohibited under Title VII. See David Baldwin v. Dep't of Transportation, EEOC Appeal No. 120133080 (July 15, 2015), http://www.eeoc.gov/decisio...133080.pdf.


Posted 11:55 am, 05/11/2016

No...Obama did not try and add language to the Civil Rights act. THE Justice Department is interpreting other court cases that have ruled in favor of transgender(and Gender stereotyping) being protected under the Civil Right Act.


Posted 11:20 am, 05/11/2016

The problem is there isn't much to like about HB2, once you get past the Trojan Horse shell of a bathroom bill its chopped full of moves to empower employers and hurt employees. The vast majority of people are employees.....so I'm not surprised, and as I pointed out last weekend if the lower occupancy of the county motels/hotels is a sign of things to come the county will have a bad year this year.

As for the state's lawsuit.

1. Obama did try to legislate and add language to the Civil Rights Act that is not in it, that is forbidden by the US Constitution.

2. HB2 is choppped full of stuff that violates the North Carolina Constitution (not the bathroom portion but pretty much the whole rest of the bill).

river otter

Posted 11:14 am, 05/11/2016

Pat McCrory

April 25, 2016

HB 2 Deeply Unpopular in North Carolina; Voters Think It's Hurting State

PPP's new North Carolina poll finds minimal support from voters in the state for HB 2, and that voters think its passage has hurt the state in several ways.

Just 36% of voters in the state support HB2, to 45% who are opposed. Independent voters are against it 33/46, and Democrats (20/63) are more unified in their opposition to the bill than Republicans (56/24) are in their support. Voters think the bill is having a bad effect on both the state's economy and its overall reputation. 54% think it's had a negative impact on North Carolina's economy, to only 11% who think it's having a positive impact. On that front even GOP voters by a 17 point margin grant that it's having a more negative than positive effect on the state economically. 53% of voters think HB2 has had a negative effect on North Carolina's national reputation, to only 22% who claim they think it's had an overall positive impact on the state's image. Because of these things, just 32% of voters in the state think HB2 is actually helping North Carolina, compared to 53% who think it's hurting the state. Independent voters, by a 53/30 spread, side with Democrats in thinking that HB2 is doing a lot more damage to the state than good.

Voters also don't think HB2 is having the positive impact it was purported to have. Only 37% think its passage has made the state safer, to 44% who think it has not. Again on this aspect of the issue independents join with Democrats in saying by a 34/44 spread that it's not making North Carolina safer. A lot of the rhetoric around the bill been about protecting women but they both oppose the bill (33/46) and think it's failing to make the state safer (34/48) by even wider margins than the population as a whole.

Following his signing of HB2 and subsequent defense of the bill, Pat McCrory is trailing Roy Cooper for the first time in 3 months in our polling. Cooper has the advantage with 43% to 42% for McCrory, with Libertarian Lon Cecil at 4%. McCrory led our North Carolina polls in both February and March but has seen his deficit among Democrats grow from 65/16 to 73/14 amid the furor over HB2. One of the reasons McCrory was elected by such a wide margin in 2012 was substantial crossover support from Democrats, and he's lost most of that in the subsequent years. McCrory is under water on his approval rating for the 33rd month in a row, with only 40% of voters approving of the job he's doing to 49% who disapprove. Meanwhile Cooper has seen his favorability numbers rise after refusing to defend HB2- he has a 37/27 favorability rating, up from 33/28 a month ago.

The anger over HB2 isn't doing Republicans in the legislature any favors either. Only 30% of voters in the state have a favorable opinion of them to 52% who see them negatively. That -22 net favorability rating is 8 points worse than the -14 spread legislative Democrats hold at 32/46. Democrats have a 45/42 advantage on the generic legislative ballot, including 40/34 with independents.

Full results here


Posted 9:19 am, 05/11/2016

Sparklin (view profile)
Posted 9:09 am, 05/11/2016
Those differences are an illusion.

Seriously, you present as smarter than that. Are you unaware of the difference or are you just being contrary?


Posted 9:12 am, 05/11/2016

Oh, and no Christian would ever kill Muslims in the name of God....yet they killed thousands of Jews and Muslims during the crusades.

There is a reason they hate Christians and frankly we have done nothing but meddle in their affairs. I am not condoning anything ISIS is doing and I feel we need to stand and fight them. However, they are using the same brutality that Christians used against them centuries ago.


Posted 9:09 am, 05/11/2016

Those differences are an illusion.


Posted 9:07 am, 05/11/2016

justpassinthru (view profile)

Posted 8:51 am, 05/11/2016

To compare Christianity to ISIS, is ludicrous.

We don't hate anyone, we just want America back like it was before Obama " fundamentally changed" it.
Still waiting on someone to tell me what happens when these new "ladies" want to participate in womens sports, but I suspect there will be some serious backpedaling from the left.
TRUMP 2016!!!!!
It may shock you to realize but transgender individuals understand the fundamental difference in sex and gender.


Posted 9:05 am, 05/11/2016

Posted 8:51 am, 05/11/2016
To compare Christianity to ISIS, is ludicrous.
We don't hate anyone, we just want America back like it was before Obama " fundamentally changed" it.
Still waiting on someone to tell me what happens when these new "ladies" want to participate in womens sports, but I suspect there will be some serious backpedaling from the left.
TRUMP 2016!!!!!

Google is your friend. If you want to know what would happen, just look to the past. We should not need to tell you. You should look for yourself.


Posted 9:03 am, 05/11/2016

This is where sex and gender come in to play, such as sports.

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