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North Carolina reins in local governments, transgender rule


Posted 9:02 am, 05/11/2016

Those East German athletes may get their medals back.


Posted 9:01 am, 05/11/2016

The Olympics have had rules on transgender athletes for a while. I think they recently updated the policy. Your comments show how out of touch you are with the real world. This is not a new phenomena, its been here for years. Most urban areas have been accommodating transgender people since the 90s. I will say it again, its a tactic to stir up the uninformed and uneducated voters.

I want someone to point out one single thing that has fundamentally changed over the last 8 years? Gay marriage??....I mean get over it already.


Posted 9:00 am, 05/11/2016

Yes, screw equal rights. The only rights the matter are the one's of the far right.


Posted 8:51 am, 05/11/2016

To compare Christianity to ISIS, is ludicrous.

We don't hate anyone, we just want America back like it was before Obama " fundamentally changed" it.
Still waiting on someone to tell me what happens when these new "ladies" want to participate in womens sports, but I suspect there will be some serious backpedaling from the left.
TRUMP 2016!!!!!


Posted 8:46 am, 05/11/2016

I just know someone had an obsession with this target as they've started at least 3 threads on the topic.

I guess what many right winged bigots want is "separate but equal" well not the equal part just separate. Sounds familiar.


Posted 7:07 am, 05/11/2016

You drink a lot of kool aide with that bologna?


Posted 11:00 pm, 05/10/2016

ISIS? or Christians Look at yourselves in the mirror. If your Christian you're supposed to love and help anyone, and everyone.... unless they are different and you don't understand them. ISIS? believe in my faith or I'll kill you. (or condemn you) Tell me the difference. So sad.

If some of you "Christians" had a large knife, I'd be very afraid.


Posted 10:24 pm, 05/10/2016

BUT POOR RELIGIOUS BAPTIST LADY... what have you go to say dear? Are your kids or grandkids gay? certainly not on YOUR watch. Again, I'm sorry Jason but it has to be said. You stupid people need to shut up. You haven't a clue what we go through. Sure, you have it all figured out when you're married to your cousin or brother and your husband cheats on you and you end up on Jerry Springer. You say it's not a choice but put my life against your sick life. I'd choose my life over your lie. I'd choose being gay over being pathetic and abused. I'd choose gay over almost anything now that I'm in my 50's. What's your choice? to be pathetic and ignorant? To judge others in the name of jesus? To go to church on a sunday when you hate gays the rest of the days of the week. You judgmental people are the very reason this planet has problems... shame on you losers. shame on you. and go f yourselves. idiots.


Posted 9:23 pm, 05/10/2016

I can't wait to see what happens when some of these ladies with mens plumbing, decide they want to participate in womens sports.

Will their new gender identity reduce their physical strength so they won't have an advantage, and allow them to then play like a girl?


Posted 9:00 pm, 05/10/2016

So, when are the grown ups actually going to step in and solve this problem? Do we not have any leaders with the courage to step up and say enough. I'm not talking about Democrats criticism of the problem....why not introduce a true solution, press the majority to compromise and fix HB2.


Posted 6:33 pm, 05/10/2016

Hepsibah. Seriously. Do you think anyone is going to want to get into BaptistLady's pants? Bitter souls often have bitter bits. Or so the non-transgender community has told me.


Posted 6:32 pm, 05/10/2016

Hepsibah. So true. I always thought Baptist Ladies were Christian, too, you know, like Christ. Thankfully this lady has shown me the light. This equal rights thing must be a bad, bad thing if Baptist Ladies are against it. And wow, I can't recall the times a transgender has tried something with me in a bathroom. Probably because there have been no times it happened. Those heterosexual guys, though, especially those married to the Baptist Ladies. . now they can put a good harassment on a body, though.


Posted 6:28 pm, 05/10/2016

Poor Baptist Lady. She has lost the right to discriminate. What a tortured soul.

The next thing you know, someone will try to get her panties off in a restroom. A very stupid someone.


Posted 6:26 pm, 05/10/2016

I think it would have been interesting if Obama had run for a third term. Talk about shaking up the vote.


Posted 6:19 pm, 05/10/2016

Whoa. That BAD BOY Obama. Here is is fighting for EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS For all. Something like Jesus would have done. But clearly not anything a BAPTIST LADY would have anything to do with.

BaptistLady (view profile)

Ever since Obama was elected he has pushed this gay and anti religion agenda. Its time we took our country back.


Posted 6:00 pm, 05/10/2016

Should the LBGT community be shot or beheaded? You sound like a communist to me. North Korea would welcome you with open arms!


Posted 5:36 pm, 05/10/2016

"Its time we took our country back." BaptistLady

took it back from whom?


Posted 5:34 pm, 05/10/2016

BaptistLady (view profile)

Posted 5:13 pm, 05/10/2016

I don't care what it cost, I hope the stand their ground. Our values are more important than money. These sick people are ruining our country.

The LGBT community isn't ruining the country, you pushing your holier than thou views on everyone else is. It's no different than the message ISIS puts out. Think like me, believe in what I believe in, practice what I preach, if you're different in any way, you're d@mned.
such a "good" baptist lady you are. What a joke. Leave your religion to yourself. What would Jesus do?


Posted 5:19 pm, 05/10/2016

This is getting so old and now taxpayer money will be wasted on court costs and attorneys. The federal government will win and force their way. They always do.


Posted 5:15 pm, 05/10/2016

Ever since Obama was elected he has pushed this gay and anti religion agenda. Its time we took our country back.

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