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Job openings at 14-year high: 5.1 million jobs, the most since January 2001.


Posted 6:59 pm, 09/22/2015

Well when you have college grads working at Mickey d's because that's all they can get its hard to compete.


Posted 6:22 pm, 09/22/2015

I'm glad there are jobs open. But that is only 5% of the number of jobs needed. 93 million people unemployed and we still bring in millions of immigrants every year. Hewlett Packard is laying off thousands of Americans and replacing them with immigrants. It can only last so long.

I read a quote awhile back that applies here. I wish I'd saved it, but it went something like this:

If you can be replaced by someone that doesn't speak English, has no formal education, and can do your job for less than minimum wage, then maybe they're not the problem.


Posted 5:22 pm, 09/22/2015

I'm glad there are jobs open. But that is only 5% of the number of jobs needed. 93 million people unemployed and we still bring in millions of immigrants every year. Hewlett Packard is laying off thousands of Americans and replacing them with immigrants. It can only last so long.


Posted 2:58 pm, 09/22/2015

Why work? $27,000.00 per year thru assistance programs in NC!!!


Posted 1:56 pm, 09/22/2015

redfly (view profile)

Posted 1:55 pm, 09/22/2015

Thats funny, a Lib-Turd call the so-called Pesident a Christian !!!

That's funny, you can not spell President.


Posted 1:55 pm, 09/22/2015

Thats funny, a Lib-Turd call the so-called Pesident a Christian !!!


Posted 1:45 pm, 09/22/2015

Job openings at 14-year high: 5.1 million jobs, the most since January 2001..... ...Thanks To Our Wonderful Christian Born In America President!!!


Posted 12:09 pm, 09/22/2015

Well, if you believe anything that the news or Washington tells you... then you deserve what you get. The fact is that they will do anything and everything to put a positive "spin" on it. And hype it up.

It's just impossible for our "system" to continue on with 95% of people living paycheck to paycheck, while the others sit back and get 6 or 7 figure pay year after year after year... well, I guess it's not impossible if people keep accepting it, and continue to believe whatever their elected officials tell them.

I think Trump is a complete moron, but given the choice between any politician and someone who isn't? I'll take my chances thank you very much.

The economy report is a lie because it is viewed only certain way. It's like the unemployment rate... they purposely skew numbers and look for the best possible way to portray it for their agenda.

But bottom line is... there might be more jobs but they are all best suited for kids in high school. Not parents trying to raise a family and pay a mortgage. Oh wait, I forgot I should just shut up and accept the good news lol...


Posted 11:18 pm, 09/18/2015


this n that

Posted 11:17 pm, 09/18/2015


Posted 5:23 pm, 04/07/2015

The 93 million folks that just quit looking for jobs should all snap these jobs up quickly. 1 st time in US History more than 93 million unemployed.


Posted 5:49 pm, 04/07/2015

Jobs report was 126,000 last month. Predicted 248,000 new hires.

It's amazing how liberals ignore facts...yet they like to claim they're not stupid.
And they seem to think the rest of us don't notice that.


Posted 11:14 pm, 09/18/2015

Census Data Confirms: There Was No Economic Recovery Unless You Were Already Rich

Recently released data from the Census Bureau is nothing short of devastating to anyone who has been pushing the absurd meme of a strong U.S. economy.

There is simply no way one can look at this data and not conclude that the last seven years has been nothing more than an upward redistribution of wealth crafted by the Federal Reserve. As I've said many, many times before, central bankers should be tried for crimes against humanity for what they have done.

From Bloomberg:

U.S. Census Bureau data out Wednesday underscore just how lousy the recovery has been if you aren't rich.

Looking at eight groups of household income selected by Census, only those whose incomes are already high to begin with have seen improvement since 2006, the last full year of expansion before the recession. Households at the 95th and 90th percentiles had larger earnings through 2014, the latest year for which data are available.

A Recovery for the rich.



Posted 10:57 pm, 09/18/2015

Great News!! for those needing jobs......


Posted 4:08 pm, 04/11/2015

Is that the Coffee House next to Tims, or on 321 ?


Posted 3:01 pm, 04/11/2015

Apparently the full time job market in Lenoir is taking hold. The local Coffee House went from having plenty of applicants for jobs to having trouble finding help. First help wanted sign I have seen in a window in years.

Old School 1951

Posted 2:50 pm, 04/11/2015

I guess we should expect to see welfare, food stamps and Medicaid usage shrink shortly then won't we?


Posted 2:32 pm, 04/11/2015

Eight years of failure.


Posted 2:32 pm, 04/11/2015

Everyone should email the White House and thank President Obama for saving America from Shrub's disastrous.


Posted 8:17 pm, 04/07/2015

freightliner has job openings in $15 to $18 dollar range....Obama hater's are just sour grapes....same ole crap


Posted 5:58 pm, 04/07/2015

Nope, not a single one of those jobs is worth bothering to go to. You'd probably end up worse off taking most jobs these days than not working given the realities of the new America. But that is OK because Rush Limbaugh says it is better to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and know you aren't being a Marxist socialist for demanding reasonable working wages than it is to eat and have shelter and a future for yourself and your family. Oddly though, all those conservatives always say how much they love the socialist single-payer military system (mercenaries are free-market capitalists so government military must be socialist). Must be because that form of collectivist socialism protects their wealth though. Anything that helps regular people have a decent life though is bad. Oh and don't forget that it is a "global" economy now and all that BS as if it wasn't a global economy before. I guess Columbus wasn't looking for global trade routes when he happened across the Americas like we were all told, and we never knew about other countries apparently until Reagan took office either.

Decsurvey - "Any of those jobs pay a living wage?"


Posted 5:52 pm, 04/07/2015

Love how we discuss quality of jobs created and number of jobs created under President Obama.

Hated how we discussed number of jobs lost under Bush.

What a difference, huh?

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