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It's a man made lagoon.


Posted 2:51 pm, 06/24/2016

Are you referring to Ashe as bear country? If so you are wrong about them not coming into town. They have been spotted before in the neighborhood behind First Baptist Church. Alligators can climb fences. Many people in Flordia have had them in their pools before. Wildlife usually has no boundaries. They go where they wish.


Posted 6:45 am, 06/22/2016

Sorry, that did not work. Great video though.


Posted 6:43 am, 06/22/2016

I wonder when this kids parents taught their 8 year old to be afraid of strange waters.
8-year old Kobi surfing in Maldives on board The Perfect Wave COBIA surf charter - YouTube
YouTube � watch
Video for 8 year old kobe maldives
Duration: 3:50
Posted: Jul 12, 2013
http://www.theperfectwave.c...s/maldives ...


Posted 6:19 am, 06/22/2016

That being said, I have three Florida remembrances Most recently when I was thirty years old, and I am thirty some passed that now. I was attending a conference in Orlando, and in the evening, I went to the pool at the hotel. I said to my coworker, "What is the deal with that fence?" She did not know, but this dude sitting next to us explained it was to keep alligators out. I was shocked! I said, "Really? They come this close to civilization?" He said, "Yeah, they do." I told him about how I was from bear country, but they never got into town. You just would not expect something like that.


Posted 6:07 am, 06/22/2016

Posted 4:30 am, 06/22/2016
First off a 2 year old can't read and thus any sort of sign wouldn't have helped the 2 year old. It's a tragic accident. Ultimately the blame I place on the parents, who lets their 2 year old into unknown water.

My kids were raised near unknown waters. What parent does not introduce their children to water? Wading in a five star resort should not be as dangerous as taking them into the ocean on a surfboard. This was a horrific accident.

Mom and Dad were right there.


Posted 4:32 am, 06/22/2016

Oh and I forgot to point out Alligators can climb, nets and most walls would not prevent them.


Posted 4:30 am, 06/22/2016

First off a 2 year old can't read and thus any sort of sign wouldn't have helped the 2 year old. It's a tragic accident. Ultimately the blame I place on the parents, who lets their 2 year old into unknown water?

I'm sure the family will get some sort of undisclosed amount from Disney.

Various Disney literature available at the resort talks about the dangers of feeding animals, swimming etc. So it's not like the warnings weren't there, just no one read them.


Posted 4:00 pm, 06/21/2016

Any adult with half a brain wouldn't have taken a child in that water, not to mention after dark. The sign said "No Swimming". To me, that says stay out of the water. Others have claimed it wasn't specific enough, in that it didn't warn against dangerous wildlife. You're in Florida! There are gators and snakes everywhere! There also wasn't a sign there stating "Don't Drink The Water", but I would assume hotel guests would be intelligent enough to not do that, too. No excuses for the parent.


Posted 1:51 pm, 06/21/2016

My grandkids walked on that same beach not long ago with their parents who are very responsible. I know that little boys parents were very good parents too. You just don't think things like that will happen. I sure hope

Disney doesn't think those rope fences are going to keep gators out.....God Bless that family.


Posted 11:38 am, 06/21/2016

I favor staying away from Florida.


Posted 11:21 am, 06/21/2016

Fences may have kept people out of the water, but they will not keep gators out. They climb people! My heartbreaks for the family. I however say no one person or entity is at fault. I, myself, would not sue because no amount of money can bring a life back or take the heartache away. Disney is built on swamp lands. Those are a gator's natural habitat. Man made lagoons still have silt bottoms and fresh water. Gators travel to wherever they want.


Posted 8:40 am, 06/21/2016

A parent keeping the kid out of the water would have also been a great preventative measure.


Posted 11:46 pm, 06/20/2016

Fences would have stopped the alligator from coming onto land and WOULD HAVE KEPT THE CHILD FROM WADING IN THE WATER!!!!


Posted 10:12 am, 06/20/2016

I love deep fried alligator nuggets. Maybe this can become a new WDW menu item at resorts along the waterways?


Posted 8:51 am, 06/18/2016

I don't care if you're a multi billion dollar theme park. the designer of a trigger mechanism for a firearm, the engineer for a faulty ignition switch on a Ford, or a parent who had a lapse of judgement. The last image you will see will be that child's face.


Posted 8:26 am, 06/18/2016

Regardless of your faith or position in life, ignoring something that costs a child their life will haunt you until your last breath.


Posted 8:10 pm, 06/17/2016

I see Disney has also included snakes on the signs.

Hot Mess

Posted 5:25 pm, 06/17/2016

It's a little too late.


Posted 5:13 pm, 06/17/2016

I was confident Disney would make the right decision. Just because there are old abandoned wells and other dangers to children across this nation doesn't make it ok to ignore it. Put a sign up, a fence around it and then fill it in.

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