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Is the Confederate Battle Flag Innately Racist?

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:47 pm, 06/23/2015

for sure ... do they think people won't notice though ... way to go globber onners ...


Posted 3:41 pm, 06/23/2015

It's all about jumping on the politically correct bandwagon/train/nascar/airline/retail bus...I mean we are going into an election year,right

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:38 pm, 06/23/2015

my jaw is dropping today .... someone sent out a memo or something ... lol

Eat At Moes

Posted 3:24 pm, 06/23/2015


Gov. McCrory issues statement calling on NCGA to take action to remove confederate flag from NC specialty SCV plate

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:06 pm, 06/23/2015

i most definitely agree with that goddess.


Posted 3:04 pm, 06/23/2015

it's odd, that almost 620,000 men died in the Civil War, yet that didn't really change the face of racism...

now 9 folks sitting in church..changed the minds of multimillion and billion dollar businesses....

but it will take much more than that...to change the hearts and minds of the folks behind those businesses

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 2:48 pm, 06/23/2015

i see that ebay and nascar, along with the governor of new mexico, are jumping on the bandwagon. although i know this is probably a win for those insulted with this flag .... did all of these companies wake up this morning and realize this?

Eat at Moes

Posted 1:28 pm, 06/23/2015

I both laugh and cringe when I see people claim that slavery wasn't the cause for Secession and the Civil War.

Just read the Articles of Secession from the states. Slavery is mentioned 83 times across the 5 declarations of secession documents.


Posted 1:23 pm, 06/23/2015



sparkling water

Posted 1:19 pm, 06/23/2015

Well said, kenc.

Very conservative of you.


Posted 11:12 am, 06/23/2015

Northerners like to smugly declare their superiority to us poor Southerners , while they like to delegate their poor black population to slums, with no jobs and no hope. It happens all over the US, but Southerners don't own it.

Racism is alive and well here, and above the imaginary Mason Dixon line.


Posted 10:51 am, 06/23/2015

Why not take down the Conferderate Soldiers War Memorial also, why not take down all the "slave" markers in the cemetary there...why not burn down the remaining plantations in Charleston and elsewhere?

No matter how much you try to take away the landmarks, monuments, flags or erase the memory of the Confederacy....racism will always remain!


Posted 10:43 am, 06/23/2015

I agree the flag should be taken down for what it has become to represent . To me , as I grew up it meant pride in our Southern heritage, nothing to do with slaves.


Posted 8:15 am, 06/23/2015

Saw a report on NBC this morning that said the despicable Confederate rag could be removed from statehouse grounds by mid-August. Good riddance.


Posted 3:30 am, 06/23/2015

the OP said this
First of all, contrary to what many people would have you believe, the confederate war WAS NOT about slavery.


The AMERICAN CIVIL: The war had its origin in the fractious issue of slavery, especially the extension of slavery into the western territories.[N 1] After four years of combat, which left over 600,000 Union and Confederate soldiers dead and destroyed much of the South's infrastructure, the Confederacy collapsed and slavery was abolished.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 11:06 pm, 06/22/2015

This entire incident has amazed me. Both sides of the racial conflict should be walking away with some lessons learned. They should be humbled. i truly believe that the removal of that flag would not have been possible without the peaceful reaction from the black community They didn't retaliate or lash out. They didn't loot or set fires. They didn't taunt police or inflict injury on them.

They pulled together and showed the visible pain that had been inflicted on them instead of hate or anger. The entire nation became sympathetic.

Instead of riots and police intrusions, they showed the rest of us a better model. In doing so, a long hated flag is not being flaunted in their faces.


Posted 10:14 pm, 06/22/2015

shouldawouldacoulda (view profile)

Posted 9:25 pm, 06/22/2015

Sewerpit, I believe this is a step in the right direction. There are a lot of racists here on this board who unthinkingly take their cues from the leadership of the Gee Oh Pee, and if the leadership starts to do the right thing, the only thing, concerning this rag, then I believe you'll see others follow suit. Eventually.
Not that I'm naive enough to think racism will ever vanish. As long as there is fear in the world, there will be racism. But again, this is a positive step.

I AGREE......


Posted 9:25 pm, 06/22/2015

Sewerpit, I believe this is a step in the right direction. There are a lot of racists here on this board who unthinkingly take their cues from the leadership of the Gee Oh Pee, and if the leadership starts to do the right thing, the only thing, concerning this rag, then I believe you'll see others follow suit. Eventually.

Not that I'm naive enough to think racism will ever vanish. As long as there is fear in the world, there will be racism. But again, this is a positive step.


Posted 9:22 pm, 06/22/2015

Who is advertising the flag? It's flying over a confederate war memorial that was recently vandalized.

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