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Is the Confederate Battle Flag Innately Racist?


Posted 10:56 am, 06/24/2015

I believe we must leave it up to the individual states to decide what to do with their flags, statues, memorials, etc..... If they vote to change then that is up to them. Don't like it, protest, debate, don't go there, etc... But don't ever dictate. Freedom is not just for those who think a certain way. It is for everyone.


Posted 10:48 am, 06/24/2015

Learn your history before you condemn our Southern flag.

Top Soil

Posted 10:46 am, 06/24/2015

Lofland (view profile)

Posted 10:36 am, 06/24/2015

On the contrary the flag of the United States of America has been the banner waved over many atrocities over the last 200 years.
Don't let your hatred of something or the use of an object by certain racist groups blind you to history.

True, slavery, the Indians, the Asians, the Philippines, torture .etc

The American Flag is a living symbol, it embodies what it embodies today, I know it sounds recursive but that is what it is.LOL and although it has flown over atrocities , it also flew over great accomplishments. Also there is a correcting quality to America, we now know that slavery was wrong, so we ended it, we know how we treated the indians was wrong, so we are making amends.

I understand your point about not highlighting the negative actions done under that flag. but, we need to also account for symbology of the flag and what it stands for today , I made a post earlier about this.


Posted 10:42 am, 06/24/2015

And speaking of the KKK topsoil, they also use the USA flag at those rallies.
Prove me wrong.

to be or not to be

Posted 10:38 am, 06/24/2015

^5 Topsoil

That is what I have been trying to tell folks.


Posted 10:36 am, 06/24/2015

On the contrary the flag of the United States of America has been the banner waved over many atrocities over the last 200 years.
Don't let your hatred of something or the use of an object by certain racist groups blind you to history.


Posted 10:35 am, 06/24/2015

Thank you, Top Soil. Well said response to Lofland.

Top Soil

Posted 10:30 am, 06/24/2015

Lofland (view profile)

Posted 10:07 am, 06/24/2015

It always amazes me how many are ignorant of the fact that slavery existed under the flag of the United States of America for nearly 100 years. Even during the Civil War.
The state of Washington's flag has a picture of one of the largest slave owners on it, George Washington.
If you believe the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism then why not the two I mentioned above? Is teh USA flag acceptable simply because they added a few more stars to it as states come into the union? Same basic design as when slaves were owned, bought, sold, and beaten under it.
No calls for Washington's flag with a racist slave owner to be redesigned? Why not?

because it is not used as a symbol for racism. How many KKK rallies in the south raise the Washington State flag? My uneducated guess is ZERO.

How many skin heads have the Washington State flag sewn on their bomber jackets...My guess is ZERO.

Your point is moot. because the only people that use the Washington State flag as a symbol, is people from Washington State, as opposed to the group of people who typically use the Confederate flag as a symbol.

I used to hang the Gadsden Flag in yard...until it was hijacked by the Tea Party, I just didn't want to be associated with that group because of the change in meaning in popular culture.

to be or not to be

Posted 10:21 am, 06/24/2015

Kenc is right the evil is in the heart and mind of the evil doer.

And these evil doers do so under the guise of so many other things.

The only hope we have is to educate people


Posted 10:07 am, 06/24/2015

All Southerners have read about Sherman's march to the sea, the killing, looting, and burning, the carpetbaggers who for the most part took advantage of poor Southern people. This evil Roof idiot must be pleased to see the controversy he started.

I haven't looked up the statistics, but we know that all the mass killings, and other evils, don't take place in the South. With or without the Confederate flag.


Posted 10:07 am, 06/24/2015

It always amazes me how many are ignorant of the fact that slavery existed under the flag of the United States of America for nearly 100 years. Even during the Civil War.
The state of Washington's flag has a picture of one of the largest slave owners on it, George Washington.

If you believe the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism then why not the two I mentioned above? Is teh USA flag acceptable simply because they added a few more stars to it as states come into the union? Same basic design as when slaves were owned, bought, sold, and beaten under it.
No calls for Washington's flag with a racist slave owner to be redesigned? Why not?

I think all this flag talk is stupid. Just some people who want to hate anything or everything or just need to hate one thing. Mainly it's about control. Controlling you and what you think and do. This country is supposed to be about freedom. Men and women died to bring that freedom to all of us. Don't give those who wish to strip your freedoms away the satisfaction.

And speaking of racism, I have found that those who scream racist the loudest are usually the most racist.

to be or not to be

Posted 9:48 am, 06/24/2015

The really sad thing is that not only do white supremacist groups use the confederate flag but many use religion as well.

They claim that whites are the chosen race and it goes all of the way back to adam and eve

george h w b

Posted 9:38 am, 06/24/2015

The flag is just another tool to keep most of the Black community racist wagon rolling.


Posted 9:35 am, 06/24/2015

I think that the confederate flag is part of our history. It should have been lowered to half staff. We all ways have some that like to think the worst of everything and every body. As far as I can tell the flag did not kill anyone. It was a person with hate in their heart and a mental problem. I am just saying.

Chimps On Tilt

Posted 9:13 am, 06/24/2015

Not so fast Obama . Obama Will face tough battle in his push to remove Confederate flag.
Obama, after joining with state leaders in calling for the Confederate flag to be removed from Statehouse grounds, Will be in for a drawn-out legislative battle.
Under State Laws even touching that Confederate flag, any changes are easier said than done. But When has Obama ever let a Law Stop him from doing what he wants.


Posted 9:13 am, 06/24/2015

Wasn't this country founded upon treason? I'm quite sure at the time the British government viewed all our founders as traitors.


Posted 8:55 am, 06/24/2015


Posted 4:40 am, 06/24/2015

The confederate battle flag being flow today was brought back to life in 1948 when Democrats proposed segregation and southern delegates rebelled leaving the party in favor of the Republican party. They were called Dixiecrats. Yes it is and has been racist since 1948, before that it was just a battle flag.


Posted 10:52 pm, 06/23/2015

Basking (view profile)

Posted 10:37 pm, 06/23/2015

Democrats put the flag on the Capitol building originally



Posted 10:37 pm, 06/23/2015

Democrats put the flag on the Capitol building originally

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