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Is the Confederate Battle Flag Innately Racist?


Posted 2:24 pm, 06/24/2015

How long till they come for the US flag?

Top Soil

Posted 11:41 am, 06/24/2015

shouldawouldacoulda (view profile)

Posted 11:12 am, 06/24/2015

By the way...no one is taking away YOUR right to fly whatever you want to fly at your house, to the best of my knowledge.

I'm trying to find out what the issue is here also.

A horrible hate crime happened in South Carolina.

One of the symbols used by the killer to symbolize his racism was the Confederate flag.

The State of South Carolina Also flies the Confederate flag because of their link to being part of the confederacy.

Because of the fresh tragedy, the state decided to remove the confederate flag from their state grounds.

S.C or the US government didn't pass laws saying a private person can't display the flag.


Posted 11:33 am, 06/24/2015

Neither does the state of Alabama. Great job, Gov. Bentley, and the state of Alabama.



Posted 11:29 am, 06/24/2015

I don't fly that flag.
But don't let that stop you from projecting.
Have fun.


Posted 11:26 am, 06/24/2015

Awesome. Enjoy flying the flag no one is telling you to take down.


Posted 11:25 am, 06/24/2015

I can see the reason I don't post much. Too many of you are so full of hate and bias that you stomp your feet and put your fingers in your ears and refuse to debate civil at all.
The hatred and outright childish behavior of some of you is shameful to watch.
Have fun with your name calling and hatred. I have better things to do today.


Posted 11:20 am, 06/24/2015

I didn't quote you. Knee-jerk liberal was my expression. Climb down off your high horse for a second, because there was nothing in my response to get snotty about. Instead, focus on what I wrote that you disagreed with. First paragraph? Do you vote conservatively? Fourth paragraph? Are you being told to remove any flags?

Top Soil

Posted 11:20 am, 06/24/2015

Lofland (view profile)

Posted 11:10 am, 06/24/2015

My point about the Washington State flag still stands. It features one of the largest slave owners of his time. Where is the cry to have it removed? Could it be because those who want the CSA flag gone are too focused on that for right now? What symbol of racism will they protest next?
These groups are manly just people who are full of hatred and racism themselves. They are not happy unless they are playing victim. And they will not rest until they control every aspect of your lives.

You didn't read my post then, or you didn't do so unbiased.

Top Soil

Posted 11:18 am, 06/24/2015

Lofland (view profile)

Posted 11:03 am, 06/24/2015

The states just need to remember they represent the people of that state and their wishes. Too many knee jerk reactions by career politicians sometimes.

This is a common misconception, The states also have more responsibility to the State and the U.S. Constitution then the will of the people.

This is part of the checks and balances. for example if the people of N.C. voted to jail all Muslims for being Muslim, this will be illegal.


Posted 11:18 am, 06/24/2015

My actual quote was......" Too many knee jerk reactions by career politicians sometimes."


Posted 11:16 am, 06/24/2015

I said "knee jerk career politicians".
Your response and believing I only condone liberals shows your political bias while trying to expose mine.
I don't like career politicians of any stripe, liberal or conservative. They serve themselves only.

to be or not to be

Posted 11:12 am, 06/24/2015

I think the point is that certain symbols evoke certain emotions and reactions

Also the emotions and reactions have much to do with the environment of the person using the symbol and the manner in which it is used.

I for one have always found the confederate flag offensive.

By the same token I find the old tv show Beverly Hillbillies and The movie Deliverance offensive in the images they portray of people of the south.

But everyone has to admit that the confederate flag is widely used as a symbol of hate


Posted 11:12 am, 06/24/2015

So you want it left up to the states, but the states, who in the south are lead by folks I'm guessing you wouldn't have much trouble voting for, better do what you want them to.


Gov. Haley, Sen. Scott...these are not knee-jerk liberals. These are folks who have decided that enough is enough.

By the way...no one is taking away YOUR right to fly whatever you want to fly at your house, to the best of my knowledge.


Posted 11:10 am, 06/24/2015

My point about the Washington State flag still stands. It features one of the largest slave owners of his time. Where is the cry to have it removed? Could it be because those who want the CSA flag gone are too focused on that for right now? What symbol of racism will they protest next?
These groups are manly just people who are full of hatred and racism themselves. They are not happy unless they are playing victim. And they will not rest until they control every aspect of your lives.

Top Soil

Posted 11:10 am, 06/24/2015

shouldawouldacoulda (view profile)

Posted 11:02 am, 06/24/2015

Aren't the states the ones taking action? Gov. Haley in South Carolina?
There hasn't been any mandate from anywhere else

This is my understanding, The States are the ones taking action of removing the flag from their property.(hopefully with the exception of confederate battle fields, and memorials)

I haven't been able to any federal ban on the confederate flag, because displaying the confederate flag is a !st amendment right.

Top Soil

Posted 11:04 am, 06/24/2015

Lofland (view profile)

Posted 10:42 am, 06/24/2015

And speaking of the KKK topsoil, they also use the USA flag at those rallies.
Prove me wrong.

I know, thats why I didn't mention it, I was disproving your use of the Washington State flag and a symbol


Posted 11:03 am, 06/24/2015

The states just need to remember they represent the people of that state and their wishes. Too many knee jerk reactions by career politicians sometimes.


Posted 11:02 am, 06/24/2015

Aren't the states the ones taking action? Gov. Haley in South Carolina?

There hasn't been any mandate from anywhere else.


Posted 11:00 am, 06/24/2015

Exactly. Just because a hate group uses something doesn't make that something evil.

to be or not to be

Posted 10:59 am, 06/24/2015

Lofland (view profile)

Posted 10:42 am, 06/24/2015

And speaking of the KKK topsoil, they also use the USA flag at those rallies.

and they also use the bible at rallies

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