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Posted 12:06 pm, 06/27/2015

don't pay attention to willy goat.... he is so messed up now that he has meetings each morning with his multiple personalities. He had to rent an apartment for all the extras. He is completely disingenuous and twisted. The sad thing is, he believes what he posts...

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 12:04 pm, 06/27/2015

goatboy (view profile)

The radical gay lobby is now demanding that "mother" and "father" be erased from birth certificates, and other legal documents.
Also, demanding that "unspecified" be a legal entry for a child's gender.

And, demanding the right that anyone can change these labels at will.

I told y'all this was coming.

Since the SC decision, the demands will now only escalate.

the document you posted most definitely provides for a child's gender
and also a place for mother, father, and parent
and where does it say it can be changed at will??????


Posted 11:58 am, 06/27/2015

How can you say the bill "erases" the words "mother" and "father" when those words are clearly on the certificate from your link? Twice, in fact.

Don't be disingenuous.


Posted 11:53 am, 06/27/2015

Why do you object to that bill goat boy?


Posted 11:26 am, 06/27/2015

Soon: Death Panels


Posted 11:24 am, 06/27/2015

The radical gay lobby is now demanding that "mother" and "father" be erased from birth certificates, and other legal documents.

Also, demanding that "unspecified" be a legal entry for a child's gender.

And, demanding the right that anyone can change these labels at will.

I told y'all this was coming.

Since the SC decision, the demands will now only escalate.


Posted 11:15 am, 06/27/2015

thanks kenc... big hugs and hipower, you are correct. and may I add... these people who say I am immoral are completely void of compassion and empathy.


Posted 10:54 am, 06/27/2015

decsurvey (view profile)
Posted 9:54 am, 06/27/2015
The human race is at its crisis point. It will either make the right choices or take the path that leads to its end.
The question most asked that no one can answer is not math, science, health, or related.

Why can we all not get along?

No one has answer.

We don't "get along" because we are selfish and greedy animals, more concerned with our own comfort than anyone else's concerns, problems or plights. We don't get along because we don't listen to or treasure the words and ideas of the best minds among us currently, and all those who have come before us. We say we do, but we do not.
We are the problem and no solution will ever be attainable until we learn to have empathy and respect for each other.


Posted 10:39 am, 06/27/2015

WorstPresEver: You and oldcamper must be one and the same....no surprise there!

You would rather your child murder an innocent person. You would rather your child spend the rest of his/her life in prison or possibly be executed for murder.

All because of your hatred of gay folks.

Ignorant and vile indeed.


Posted 10:39 am, 06/27/2015

Your posts are great Muse, they show that the blurbs don't know what they're talking about. Guess their lives are ruined now that all Americans can live equally in the land of the free.

You and all the other gays and lesbians that I know , are the most generous,and kind people that I have the pleasure of knowing.
It's a pity that some take pleasure in trying to hurt, and judge you, but I know that you are a kind and productive citizen.


Posted 10:08 am, 06/27/2015

Heps when ignorant people throw barbs at you , their ignorance is obvious.


Posted 9:58 am, 06/27/2015

because as humans, we are too competitive. We are all unsure of life itself. The only way we can be secure with ourselves is if we convince everyone else that what we believe is true. There's strength in numbers, especially in a belief system. If you're the only person who believes something, it makes you question your own beliefs... but if you can get 9 other people to believe the same thing, then you feel a bit more secure that what you believe is true....


Posted 9:57 am, 06/27/2015

"The powers properly belonging to one of the departments ought not to be directly and completely administered by either of the other departments. It is equally evident, that none of them ought to possess, directly or indirectly, an overruling influence over the others, in the administration of their respective powers. It will not be denied, that power is of an encroaching nature, and that it ought to be effectually restrained from passing the limits assigned to it." � James Madison


Posted 9:54 am, 06/27/2015

The human race is at its crisis point. It will either make the right choices or take the path that leads to its end.
The question most asked that no one can answer is not math, science, health, or related.

Why can we all not get along?

No one has answer.


Posted 9:53 am, 06/27/2015

coolio just checking my friend...


Posted 9:51 am, 06/27/2015



Posted 9:47 am, 06/27/2015

Curious Dec, was that post directed at me for saying, "just saying"?


Posted 9:42 am, 06/27/2015

The words but, just, only, if, because , and a few others are words of the weak.


Posted 9:38 am, 06/27/2015

The most ignorant and quite frankly the saddest post.... when someone would rather their child be a murderer than to love another person of the same gender.

To that poster.... I hope your child comes out of the closet the day before they put you in a run down nursing home and leave with your money to travel the world. just saying......

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