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Posted 9:33 am, 06/27/2015

If the world lived by the laws of all the holy books there would not be anyone left on the planet.

The answer to all the human race's problems is to nuke the whole planet. The survivors whoever they maybe if any, could start over with a new beginning from nothing.


Posted 9:32 am, 06/27/2015

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Thomas Jefferson


Posted 9:30 am, 06/27/2015

I just want to know how many of you gay marriage non supporters patronize businesses on Sunday? Shouldn't those workers be put to death according to the bible for working on the Sabbath? (Exodus 35:2). What about the ones of you that have premarital sex or adulty? What about planting different crops next to each other? How many of you have broken one of the 10 commandments that I may have not already listed? Like you shall not make idols? If you're going to be a Christian you have to the Word of God word for word. Everyone sins, but you can't pick and choose the sins you want to call out and think yoyrsyours are ok. How many of you that are against gay marriage would be ok with a ban on alcohol since its a sin to drink to be a drunkard, what about it we banned any business being open on Sundays, or if you were put in prison for committing adultry? If some law maker came forward to put down legislation against certain other sins everyone would get their panties in a wad and fight against it because you think your sin is ok. Don't live in your dark secret world and think its ok to condemn someone elses sin but you can sin as you please.

And on another note there is a separation of church and state for a reason, so you can't use the government to force your religious beliefs on someone else.


Posted 9:26 am, 06/27/2015

Hepsblah you are the queen of ignorant posts... you and sewermouth.


Posted 9:18 am, 06/27/2015

old camper: "I would rather one of my children be a murderer than a pervert."

This post gets my vote for the most ignorant and vile of all time!!


Posted 9:16 am, 06/27/2015

Lawsy mercy, can't fight the old goats who think being gay is the one and only sin ! Guess God appeared to them and told them so. They'll just have to simmer down and lean to live with it.

Guess they have spotters out there trying to see a gay person , or couple. It'll give them something to do.


Posted 9:15 am, 06/27/2015



Posted 9:10 am, 06/27/2015

Old Camper!


Posted 9:06 am, 06/27/2015


Old School 1951

Posted 8:46 am, 06/27/2015

Simmer down a little, wipe off your bifocals, get a swig of Geritol , relax and look again, you miss read the screen names.


Posted 8:25 am, 06/27/2015

Old one, You are the one who started the sermon claiming the justices had not read the Old Testament. Yet you want to cherry pick which laws YOU deem are worth abiding by.

You made the statement you would rather your child be a murderer, which is against the ten commandments( #6) rather than them be gay, which is NOT one of the Ten Commandments.

Old School 1951

Posted 7:58 am, 06/27/2015

Just my opinion

Old School 1951

Posted 7:57 am, 06/27/2015

Some of you armchair preachers need to spend just a little time in the New Testament. If you did you might discover the Amazing Grace your politician sang about at the funeral. You might discover the difference in being governed by grace and law. When you do you will probably be able to distinguish the difference in Dietary Law, Ceremonial Law, and Law of Principle . If you can get a small grip on that and apply it to who it was intended for, you won't seem so ill-informed when you start your sermon.

Top Soil

Posted 7:47 am, 06/27/2015

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Posted 7:32 am, 06/27/2015

Old camper, have you read the Old Testament? There are many other things stated in Leveticus besides the verses about h*mosexuality. Are you outraged when someone eats shrimp? Do you boycott Walmart because they sell clothing made of mixed fibers?
I feel so sorry for your children that you would wish them dead rather than gay. That speaks volumes about what a heinous dark soul you truly have.

I relieving thing about this is, this individuals screen name, and the adjective 'old'. People like him will soon die off just like the people who opposed civil rights and desegregation. In 20 years time, the churches will be so desperate for the extra income that they will attempt to rewrite history and try to paint them as the equality advocates of the 21st century.


Posted 7:41 am, 06/27/2015

I'm no Christian, but it sort of bugs me when someone uses the Bible to think murder, for example, is more palatable than a marriage between two people that has absolutely no effect on their life. The Bible, and this dark interpretation of their faith, is an excuse; feeling this way is more a reflection of their own hideous spirit.


Posted 7:32 am, 06/27/2015

Old camper, have you read the Old Testament? There are many other things stated in Leveticus besides the verses about h*mosexuality. Are you outraged when someone eats shrimp? Do you boycott Walmart because they sell clothing made of mixed fibers?

I feel so sorry for your children that you would wish them dead rather than gay. That speaks volumes about what a heinous dark soul you truly have.


Posted 7:28 am, 06/27/2015

9-11. Pearl Harbor. Sandy Hook. Charleston.

Yet allowing two people who love each to be married is the "saddest day in American history."

You are a strange little man.

old camper

Posted 7:26 am, 06/27/2015

Saddest day in American history, I would rather one of my children be a murderer that a pervert. Socialized medicine now this. Guess the Supreme has never read the Old Testament.


Posted 7:23 am, 06/27/2015

Is sex the only thing that defines the marriages of those that are so vehemently opposed to gay marriage?

I ask because that is what comes across with the comments of cretins like crab cake, southbound, goat boy( wilbars latest incarnation) and the others. They are obsessed with what they must spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about, what goes on in the bedrooms of gay people. The gay people that I know have relationships that have many more facets such as companionship, love, laughter, being a help mate, care taking, friendship, etc. Their sex life is something private that is nobody's business but their own.

Just as Muse so eloquently said last night, there are extremist gays just like there are extremists in every other group. That does not mean you should judge a group of people as a whole based on what a few in the lunatic fringe do.


Posted 7:07 am, 06/27/2015

Crab cake, there are many gay posters on here and they have never shown themselves to be as vulgar and vile, hateful and evil, as you and your fellow " Christian" posters.

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