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Posted 11:29 pm, 06/27/2015

So your cable didn't go out, there's bread in the store, no parade down your street.

You have absolutely nothing to complain about. But you will anyway. Why? I suspect because you aren't very well educated. No offense: That's just generally how this works.

And for God's sake, quit talking about things being rubbed in your face.

gay republican

Posted 11:02 pm, 06/27/2015

Oh Yes Yes.Thank goodness I can just go out shopping for some really pretty panties and other frilly sexy undies! My My I am just so excited! I may wet my panties!

to be or not to be

Posted 10:58 pm, 06/27/2015

but we aren't in control of the news.

when something else happens the news will change.

media is like a bunch of kindergartners with a new toy. all of them want the new toy and that is all they talk about for a few days. then they all get bored and move on to the next toy


Posted 10:56 pm, 06/27/2015

Pastor now says he didn't mean he would actually set himself on fire:


Isn't there something in the Bible about bearing false witness?

wanting to offend people

Posted 10:53 pm, 06/27/2015

Didn't say you. Said the news and so on

to be or not to be

Posted 10:50 pm, 06/27/2015

hmmm i didn't have a parade today, fly a rainbow flag, nor was I on the news. according to wants to offend maybe I'm not gay

wanting to offend people

Posted 10:45 pm, 06/27/2015

Yes every time you turn news on boom something about gays celebrating the law change. Again , if you supported fine that's up to you. If you are happy with it that's fine. Just keep it in your life not rubbing it into everyone else face. Enjoy it somewhere else besides city streets and 24/7 news coverage


Posted 10:31 pm, 06/27/2015

So you think people are bragging about marriage equality because someone's happy enough to start a thread?

Serious question, wanting to offend: has anything changed in your life in the 24-plus hours since the Court correctly ruled in favor of marriage equality? Has your cable bill gone up? Are the grocery stores out of bread? Did a Gay Pride parade head down your street this afternoon, and knock over your mailbox or something?

Top Soil

Posted 10:23 pm, 06/27/2015

wanting to offend people (view profile)

Posted 10:16 pm, 06/27/2015

Why do I care? I don't, But why do you want everyone to see the gay law passed, why 24/7 news coverage, why have parades for something that you wanted equal rights for? Seen were they say they just want to live life the way other people do. Yet you make threads bragging about it and parades and throwing it up to everyone. Then ask why does people care, why do you care about what I care about?

Because people are happy to see America finally showed up to the 21st century.

I never made a thread bragging about same-sex marriage, stop generalizing the views of your interlocutor.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:20 pm, 06/27/2015

geez why didn't you say you just want to insult h*mosexuals? no need to call others dense because you have blinders on. rant away then. have a stinkin' unending daily hissy fit about something that takes not one thing away from your life except the time you are wasting


Posted 10:18 pm, 06/27/2015

Br6549 (view profile)

Posted 8:48 pm, 06/27/2015

look make light of it if you want . Agricultural, over population, if that's the best excuse you have for what The Bible says so be it! God is still in the business of saving souls! I pity the ones who make a mockery of Gods word!

So God has to save the souls he created and rules ?

wanting to offend people

Posted 10:16 pm, 06/27/2015

Why do I care? I don't, But why do you want everyone to see the gay law passed, why 24/7 news coverage, why have parades for something that you wanted equal rights for? Seen were they say they just want to live life the way other people do. Yet you make threads bragging about it and parades and throwing it up to everyone. Then ask why does people care, why do you care about what I care about?

wanting to offend people

Posted 10:11 pm, 06/27/2015

Yea, can't tell the difference between a man and woman and who your suppose to be with by God or nature which ever way you believe, but I'm the dumb one lol ok


Posted 10:08 pm, 06/27/2015

Ha! Yeah, we really seem to have a shortage of children and pregnant women in this world. I wonder if we'll ever see a baby again!!!

Man, you are dense.

Top Soil

Posted 10:08 pm, 06/27/2015

wanting to offend people (view profile)

Posted 10:01 pm, 06/27/2015

Who going to have the babies? Who going to be the soccer mom and soccer dad? Who going to be the stay at home mom, who going to be the man of the house?

Why do you care?

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:08 pm, 06/27/2015

and they probably mow the lawn once a week, or go target shooting on saturdays, then dinner with the extended family on sundays

pay bills twice a month

fix the car, call the mom and dad, remember to pick up milk, stop by the school for the kids, fix dinner, and fall asleep in the recliner

wanting to offend people

Posted 10:07 pm, 06/27/2015

Lol, You get my point saying that comment. Even you used the closet line as a insult to try make me mad lol. So even you use gay as a insult lol. Deep down you know it's wrong also


Posted 10:04 pm, 06/27/2015

wanting to offend: Thankfully, you probably won't have to deal with those issues....well unless you come out of the closet.

I have a feeling that most couples are able to work it out satisfactorily. You know, like the rest of us do.

wanting to offend people

Posted 10:01 pm, 06/27/2015

Who going to have the babies? Who going to be the soccer mom and soccer dad? Who going to be the stay at home mom, who going to be the man of the house?


Posted 9:58 pm, 06/27/2015

wanting to offend:I imagine that everyone wears what they want to. You know, kinda like you do.

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