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do most people think like me?


Posted 9:15 am, 06/27/2015

Medicare is great for senior citizens......just ask if they would like to give that up! Serendipity, don't see how hard working people are being punished by Obamacare......it is the poor working class that is getting the help to pay for their coverage....


Posted 9:10 am, 06/27/2015

Note from GoNC: this post was removed for trolling.


Posted 9:10 am, 06/27/2015

Hipower, something needsto be done for sure. I think we can think of something better than Obamacare. Hard WORKING people should not be penalized for having a job and making money.


Posted 9:04 am, 06/27/2015

Because the insurance companies are doing such an awesome job of controlling our healthcare currently.


Posted 9:02 am, 06/27/2015

cassidy1951�I really hope you rethink that. The government is in charge of Veteran's healthcare and that is a tragic mess. I do NOT want the government to take over healthcare. No one should.


Posted 8:40 am, 06/27/2015

Leave the insurance companies out of it and take half of the educational lottery money to support healthcare for those who cant afford insurance.


Posted 8:30 am, 06/27/2015

"I only disagree with your heath care assessment. Obamacare was passed to help insure everyone get insurance and heath care spending is actually at it's lowest in 50 years"

Sadly that is not all true...not everyone can qualify for ACA coverage...well, let me take that back...even working in the medical field, there are many that still cannot qualify for subsidies or for tax credits...I happen to work for a company, that dropped alot of their participants with group insurance, when the ACA was enacted...leaving them and me, without. We go to that ACA...and what do you know...premiums were twice and triple what they were originally and my gawd, never mind the spike in deductibles! So, as I sit here even still, without any insurance at all...still working and still worrying! There are more out there than you actually are aware of, we certainly are not alone!


Posted 8:24 am, 06/27/2015

I only disagree with your heath care assessment. Obamacare was passed to help insure everyone get insurance and heath care spending is actually at it's lowest in 50 years. What we need is Medicare for all and remove the insurance companies as the middle man completely. If we can give big oil co's subsidies we can certainly help our fellow Americans get health insurance......


Posted 8:22 am, 06/27/2015

serendiipity (view profile)

Posted 8:07 am, 06/27/2015

I forgot Obamacare! This act did not lower insurance rates! It tripled them! It just made some people pay for other people's healthcare in the form of "subsidizes." Insurance companies are still wallowing in profit, while working people, especially the middle class, are caring the burden of this act.


Posted 8:19 am, 06/27/2015

I 100% agree on the ACA, our economy sucks and obamacare is making it twice as hard to raise a family.


Posted 8:07 am, 06/27/2015

I forgot Obamacare! This act did not lower insurance rates! It tripled them! It just made some people pay for other people's healthcare in the form of "subsidizes." Insurance companies are still wallowing in profit, while working people, especially the middle class, are caring the burden of this act.


Posted 7:53 am, 06/27/2015

All these polarizing posts and headlines are depressing. I have opinions that aren't one side or the other. Do most people think like that or is it truly all or nothing?
My thoughts:
Confederate Flag: Growing up, I thought it meant rebel. In college, one of my black friends was extremely hurt by seeing someone wearing the flag on his jacket. I realized that flag meant different things to different people. I support an individual's right to have/wear/wave his/her confederate flag, but it should come down from capital buildings. P.S. The losing side in a war, usually doesn't get to keep waving the flag. P.S.S. No one is threatening to make the flag illegal or take it away from individuals, so what's the fuss all about?

Gay marriage: Gay people are just like any body else. I love my gay family members and friends. I think a gay couple should have all the legal rights as a straight couple. I'm torn about calling it marriage. I think the next inclusion will be polygamy bc it has same arguments as gay marriage (it's love, consenting adults, doesn't hurt anyone else, etc.) Consensus : I am not passionate either way. I understand both sides. I'm happy gay couples who want to marry can.

Caitlyn Jenner: I don't care that she transitioned. It bothers me she is called a hero. She abandoned 3 families as a man. She is truly selfish.

Anything else?

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