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do most people think like me?


Posted 3:22 am, 09/26/2015

It's the republicans fault that the working man pays while the rich get the tax breaks. Where have you been these past few decades?


Posted 9:15 am, 06/27/2015

Medicare is great for senior citizens......just ask if they would like to give that up! Serendipity, don't see how hard working people are being punished by Obamacare......it is the poor working class that is getting the help to pay for their coverage....


Posted 10:49 am, 06/28/2015

Insurance companies and lawsuits are the cause for high medical costs. Until the day comes and we eliminate both of these the American people will pay out the arse for healthcare.


Posted 12:28 pm, 06/27/2015

Yes I have healthcare. Thank you for asking. I actually went to Healtcare.gov and properly picked out my plan. I I received a lower rate, and I appreciate not having to fight over pre-existing conditions, and since I have used it, I am satisfied with it. I have friends and family in the UK and Canada. I have seen their system. I believe in Universal Healthcare, and have for over 2 decades.

As for being about to faint, sometimes I am easily shocked. ;)


Posted 12:05 pm, 06/27/2015

Why are you going to faint? Are you ill? Do you need medical attention? Or perhaps an insurance agent?


Posted 11:31 am, 06/27/2015

I am going to faint. This thread has turned into a call for Universal Healthcare.


Posted 11:28 am, 06/27/2015

Big pharma and insurance need to be regulated. A Human beings life and health should not be determined by for profit cooperations. Insurance companies are the original "death panels", playing Dr. and God by overriding medical professionals determination of the best way to treat patients.


Posted 11:22 am, 06/27/2015

hipower (view profile)
Posted 9:29 am, 06/27/2015
ACA did little or nothing to control prices and hasn't as yet been able to provide competition or free market enterprise to alleviate the ridiculous problems caused by our current ponzi scheme like billing structure. But it was/is better than nothing. We have the best medical personnel in the world but millions of us are still denied access because we simply can't afford it even with insurance.
We need a single payer system For the benefit of our people, our businesses and our way of life. We need it now.



Posted 9:42 am, 06/27/2015

Cassidy1951, I grew up with my mom as the working poor, and she needed every nickel. I get it. Honestly, I think there should be a flat tax for anyone making above a certain income level. 10% sounds good to me. Perhaps healthcare premiums should be the same, 5%, flat tax on your income for Healthcare coverage. I don't know about those exact figures as I am just a civilian. ....


Posted 9:41 am, 06/27/2015

ACA was suppose to = coverage for everyone. ?????? Why are there still people who cannot afford health coverage. Make too much for subsidies/medicaid and too little to afford full premiums.


Posted 9:38 am, 06/27/2015

The working poor pay no income taxes......so what is your solution? Deny them any help because they are too poor to matter? Let them keep going to the ER for their simple illnesses, which by the way we end of paying for anyways......


Posted 9:37 am, 06/27/2015

Take the lottery money, cigarette taxes, alcohol taxes, tax vehicles that cost over35K, add a nickel tax to every gallon of gas or raise income taxes but leave the insurance companies out of the equation!!!


Posted 9:36 am, 06/27/2015

And, why is no one commenting on Old Glory, Call me Cait, or gay marriage? ;)


Posted 9:35 am, 06/27/2015

Cassidy1951, no one needs to "tell that" because who do you think is paying for all that?? The middle class is paying for all those things you just mentioned. Someone needs to shout that!!! It is easy being generous with someone else's money.


Posted 9:32 am, 06/27/2015

"Medicare is great for senior citizens.."

U wanna make a bet...I see it everyday, just how "great" medicare is...denied, denied, denied!!!


Posted 9:30 am, 06/27/2015

Pantera, tell that to the family whose child is now covered even with a pre-existing condition. Tell that to the parents who can keep their kids on their policy while in college, Tell the man with cancer who has no limits on his coverage. Tell that to the person whose coverage can't be cancelled after a catastrophic illness and the insurance co who has to actually spend 80% of their premium on heath care...


Posted 9:29 am, 06/27/2015

ACA did little or nothing to control prices and hasn't as yet been able to provide competition or free market enterprise to alleviate the ridiculous problems caused by our current ponzi scheme like billing structure. But it was/is better than nothing. We have the best medical personnel in the world but millions of us are still denied access because we simply can't afford it even with insurance.
We need a single payer system For the benefit of our people, our businesses and our way of life. We need it now.


Posted 9:25 am, 06/27/2015

Obamacare is doing nothing for me. Our income puts us at the poverty level, I'm a student, and I don't qualify for any kind of planned parenthood services because I made the wise choice to have my tubes tied. I can't squeeze blood out of a rock, so I still can't afford the premiums. I don't qualify for plans under obamacare and I don't qualify for medicaid. Luckily I live in a county where they go out of their way to make sure people get the medical care they need.


Posted 9:24 am, 06/27/2015

Sewerpit, are referring to me, because this is the same name I've always had?

Cassidy1951, the working poor pay virtually no income taxes (think about all the people with big tax refund checks). The middle class, and especially the upper middle class shoulder much of the income tax burden. Now they have to cover everyone's health insurance too? Why strive to do better when you get punished? The people I personally know who benefited from Obamacare both lie about their income. One person is a waitress, the other a construction worker. If they had told the truth, they would not be fans of Obamacare. There has to be a better solution.


Posted 9:24 am, 06/27/2015

Obamacare also held back the economic recovery and is still holding it back. The recovery so far has been mostly for the rich. Thanks, Obama.


Posted 9:21 am, 06/27/2015

Because the hard working people are paying outrageous insurance premiums and very high deductibles so other people can have insurance that's not worth the paper is written on!!!

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