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Charlotte bathroom bill?


Posted 1:41 pm, 03/02/2015

Have you not been listening to me? v*gina goes into the ladies restroom and penis goes into the males. SIMPLE!


Posted 1:41 pm, 03/02/2015

Trust me, just because I'm vocal doesn't mean I'm the only one disgusted with the idea of a strange man walking into a ladies restroom. There's more like me if they are being honest.

50 Shades of Gay

Posted 1:39 pm, 03/02/2015

When the person gets a v*gina Mom, she will be a woman. What is deviant about that? She probably won't be attracted to you won't have a penis to threaten you with even if she is. So what is the problem? I'm lost.


Posted 1:39 pm, 03/02/2015

UU, then you should talk to the transgenders who are making this an issue, not me. I'm not the one that has a problem using the appropriate bathroom.

Seriously, if you want to fight for acceptance then you should first deal with the group that is going to isolate you even further from society. It's not the Christians. It's groups like this.


Posted 1:36 pm, 03/02/2015

You want to read something Insidious Into someone wanting to Innocently do their natural biological function without feeling discomfort as "unnatural". Get A grip, everyone has to urinate and defecate. With absolutely NO hidden agenda.


Posted 1:36 pm, 03/02/2015

Dude. I'm not scared of lesbians in the girls bathroom. I'm not scared of being hit on. I think legally people should use the restroom of their gender. I don't think a DEVIANT group of individuals (transgenders) should change that.

50 Shades of Gay

Posted 1:33 pm, 03/02/2015

But all these years, lesbians have been in your bathroom Mom. Have you ever had to fight a lesbian off or even been hit on in there? They like women btw. Not every woman wants to hit on you and neither does every man. As it should be, it would be a big fight if everyone was attracted to the same person.


Posted 1:29 pm, 03/02/2015

Mommotwo, do YOU go to the restroom with seduction In mind?

uh no. It's not about seduction. Yuck. Why do you think all these years they have been separate? Was that a mistake?


Posted 1:28 pm, 03/02/2015

Starting to feel hurt because I've never been hit on or seduced in a public restroom. Is there something wrong with me? Am I hideous?


Posted 1:26 pm, 03/02/2015

Mommotwo, do YOU go to the restroom with seduction In mind? I hope the answer Is no and and I certainly concur. Get your mind out of the Faux News gutter.


Posted 1:23 pm, 03/02/2015

I work with 2 lesbians and I've never seen them in the men's bathroom. Maybe they wait until it's empty I don't know.


Posted 1:17 pm, 03/02/2015

lol...I want the males to go to the male restrooms and the females to go to the female restrooms and I'm the strange one, LOL! My, how the world has changed.....


Posted 1:14 pm, 03/02/2015

As far as I know and recall, a restroom Isn't where I go to seduce someone. It's a place I go to perform a rather unnatractive call of nature. And then wash my hands and depart. But I'm not a Christian. They have some strange predelictions.


Posted 12:43 pm, 03/02/2015

I doubt that seriously. My lesbian friends would never go into a male restroom , nor use a restroom for anything it wasn't intended for. Children might peep under restroom doors, I've never seen an adult woman do it . Do gays peep under doors in men's restroom stalls ?


Posted 12:42 pm, 03/02/2015

A FTM transgender person yes.

o.k....so maybe it's not a lesbian, maybe it's a FTM transgender person that still looks like a female trying to look male. UGH. This didn't use to be so complicated.


Posted 12:36 pm, 03/02/2015

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive"

50 Shades of Gay

Posted 12:36 pm, 03/02/2015

I've been to a lot of gay bars with lesbians in attendance. I have yet to see a lesbian in the mens room. A FTM transgender person yes.


Posted 12:34 pm, 03/02/2015

Why would a lesbian want to use a male restroom ?

My guess is to make a statement. "I can do this and you can't stop me". There seems to be a lot of that woven into this.

50 Shades of Gay

Posted 12:33 pm, 03/02/2015

I'm not interested in what is politically correct. I want to know your feelings on the matter. My feelings are that person is now a female. Her parts are identical to yours except the inner organs. At this point you would not know the difference unless you got VERY up close and personal.

You know the real issue is an anti-discrimination bill, not just a bathroom bill. The bathroom is just the part the religious right has chosen to use for scare tactics to try and continue to discriminate against LGBT people.

BTW, I understand your concern about using the restroom with a man. However, after a certain point in transition, the person is no longer a man. Way before the change is complete or even started, they don't feel like a man inside. They are not interested in preying on you or little girls in the bathroom. Do the lesbians attack you in there now or prey on your children? Just curious.


Posted 12:31 pm, 03/02/2015

Why would a lesbian want to use a male restroom ?

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