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Charlotte bathroom bill?


Posted 11:27 am, 03/02/2015

My point is that there is absolutely nothing to keep a straight sick male from saying they are gay and demanding to use the ladies restroom.

BTW, regardless of what anyone says if a pedophile is attracted to a male child - then he is gay by definition.

a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.

50 Shades of Gay

Posted 11:20 am, 03/02/2015

"So, if a law is passed saying that transgendered people can use whichever restroom they choose, then what would stop pedophiles from doing the same? Nothing."

Most pedophiles are straight males, fact. Most males (straight, bi, or gay) are already using the restroom with little boys, who get molested about as often as little girls. A MTF transgendered person probably has little attraction to other females. Most of them like men, so what would they get from lurking in the ladies room? If they are attracted to other females, just like the lesbians that use your bathroom, they probably do their thing like you do and get out. A FTM transgendered person probably has little attraction to men and would use the men's room because it's where they feel most comfortable (no women giving them strange looks like they are a man). I am neither of these, but I am trying to put myself in their shoes for a moment and see things realistically.


Posted 11:02 am, 03/02/2015

But, that's not really wanting equal protection under the law. That's wanting above and beyond what is allowed to others. If you are a male (with male parts) you are allowed access to the same restroom other males use. If you are a female (with female parts) you are allowed access to the same restroom other females use. A straight male is not allowed to use a female restroom. Are their rights infringed upon? No.

50 Shades of Gay

Posted 10:50 am, 03/02/2015

The war for same-sex marriage is basically over, done deal. The war for equal protections under the law is still ongoing.


Posted 10:45 am, 03/02/2015

Don't think anything is stopping the pedophiles now, they seem to lurk without permission.


Posted 10:44 am, 03/02/2015

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:41 am, 03/02/2015

Then, the ant-profilers would go nuts.


Posted 10:34 am, 03/02/2015

So, if a law is passed saying that transgendered people can use whichever restroom they choose, then what would stop pedophiles from doing the same? Nothing.


Posted 10:34 am, 03/02/2015

Waiting for the bearded cross-dressers to invade the Planet Fitness women's locker room? With LGBTQ lawyers on speed dial...


Posted 10:33 am, 03/02/2015

I rarely ever use a public restroom and neither does my daughter, but if I catch a man in the ladies room while my daughter's in there, then somebodies gonna have some explaining to do. Just opens up too much liability.


Posted 10:32 am, 03/02/2015

If bathrooms are public, they're public. Don't think anyone will be attacked by any transgenderd person, they have nothing to do with the seemingly straight and narrow people who lurk in bathrooms, and other places.


Posted 10:29 am, 03/02/2015

I think that ALL business need to learn THEIR legal rights and responsibilities. Legally, most businesses only have to provide a restroom for their employees and as long as one is available, then what's the problem?


Posted 10:29 am, 03/02/2015

My how the world has changed. When I was in school, in an all girls dorm (are there any left) the housemother would stand at the end of the hall and yell "Man on the floor." We'd all run giggling and laughing to our rooms, whether we were dressed or not. Fond memories. I am sure the old maintenance man could have cared less and the housemother never left his side.

That being said, I would be uncomfortable using public facilities where men were allowed. I pretty much try not to use them anyway, but this would seal the deal.


Posted 10:08 am, 03/02/2015

when ya gotta go...ya gotta go


Posted 9:52 am, 03/02/2015

Trannies on the march! They demand the constitutional right to use any bathroom or locker room they choose...but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

As we speak, trans-activists are staking out Christian-owned businesses. Should any of these decline to accept the new demands, you can bet lawsuits are already drafted. Out to destroy them, just like the wedding cake company in Oregon.

Hey! When the militant gays won same-sex marriage, they promised that the war was over? Clearly, that was the biggest lie of the decade.

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