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Posted 3:53 pm, 05/23/2024

Ficken Trumpf!


Posted 1:43 pm, 05/23/2024

Es gibt keine Verbindung zum Nazi-Dreck. Mit dem größten amerikanischen Präsidenten aller Zeiten. Sein Name ist Donald John Trump. Hören Sie also bitte auf, diesen großartigen Mann zu vergleichen. Mit einem tragischen Vorfall vor seiner Geburt. Vielen Dank und reichen Sie bitte das Sauerkraut weiter.


Posted 1:36 pm, 05/23/2024

Well I'm right you are literally living on stolen land , give it back and move.


Posted 1:32 pm, 05/23/2024

freddy, if you were able to think critically or otherwise, you would not be a MAGAT.


Posted 1:19 pm, 05/23/2024

Tributt with your critical thinking shouldn't you give up your land and move back to where your ancestors came from?


Posted 1:13 pm, 05/23/2024

NIMBY has been applied to groups such as the homeless and halfway house inmates being established in existing infrastructure. Stop fabricating "facts" to prove fallacious statements.

According to both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures the territory was acquired by genocide. Canaan consisted of a number of city states whose populations were annihilated by the tribes of Israel under the command of Joshua.


Posted 12:35 pm, 05/23/2024

Israel's founding, as we know it today, is indeed tied to the history of Jewish refugees and the Holocaust, but it also has deep historical roots dating back thousands of years. The Jewish connection to the land of Israel is well-documented in religious and historical texts.

Judahite presence has existed there since the 2BC. The establishment of the current stare as we know it has nothing to do with the entire history of the area.

NIMBY has nothing to do with anything but development. Opposition to a two-party state has nothing to do with the term.


Posted 12:24 pm, 05/23/2024

Isael is an ersatz nation of holocaust survivors that the USA did not want, Jewish refugees were also refused entry immediately before WWII also.

NIMBY is an acronym that has been applied to many situations not just unwelcome infrastructure.


Posted 12:20 pm, 05/23/2024

Exactly, they go along with whatever the big thing is now.


Posted 12:17 pm, 05/23/2024

It was on his social media, wilkesconvert.

These same low level gullibles have been bent out of shape over less.


Posted 12:12 pm, 05/23/2024

According to whom? Firstly, do you know what the definition of a "NIMBY" state is? NIMBY, an acronym for the phrase "not in my back yard," is a characterization of opposition by residents to proposed infrastructure developments. I fail to see what infrastructure has to do with this subject at all.

Second, what metric do you use to determine whether a state has a right to exist? If you oppose colonization, does that mean you don't deserve to be an American? Furthermore, do the original inhabitants of Gaza get their land back, and the rest have to move elsewhere? Are you supporting all Gazans, even the colonizers?

Or, maybe, just maybe, you blindly support Hamas because of your alliance to a particular political party, and therefore haven't really researched this subject at all?


Posted 11:59 am, 05/23/2024

The big difference is that Israel has no right to exist. They're a NIMBY country!


Posted 11:48 am, 05/23/2024

"Not that the leaders of Hamas are saints."

They routinely target civilians. Israel does as well, but leftists will support Hamas while protesting against Israel. Make it make sense. Both sides are unalving civilians, both are committing war crimes with how they treat captives, and both are fighting for control. Growing up is realizing that they are both the same, doing the same things and fighting over the same piece of dirt.


Posted 11:46 am, 05/23/2024

Joe Biden gave an excellent eulogy for his friend and grand dragon.


Posted 11:41 am, 05/23/2024

The KKK an evil rightist organization that Trump refused to condemn was anti-Jew and anti-Catholic. If Trump gets in are we gonna see them good ol' boys running around in their bedsheets and pointy hats again?

the dog's butler

Posted 11:39 am, 05/23/2024

It's not the people of Isreal or the Jewish people themselves.
It's Benjamin Netanyahu. He is an authoritarian leader.
Not that the leaders of Hamas are saints.

The world is slowly warming up to a two state solution. I wish the leaders of Isreal and the Palestinians would as well.


Posted 11:35 am, 05/23/2024

This is yet another example of the liberal leftist zitZ faking outrage about a concept they cannot comprehend AND abusing their fake outrage to bash AND smear President Trump.

YOU go, zitZ !


Posted 11:19 am, 05/23/2024

This video wasn't created by the Trump campaign. Furthermore, any leftist who calls anyone antisemitic right now, is being the world's worst hypocrite, considering protesters are seen carrying antisemitic signs and shouting death to Israel. I think the progressives of today would probably agree with Hitler since they believe that the Jews are genocidal and evil. Very little has changed, really, as they have long been known to be antisemitic.


Posted 11:13 am, 05/23/2024

Trump has already said that he's not too happy with the constitution. He's expressed the opinion that certain news sources (the ones that don't agree with him) should be shut down. And vowed vengeance on those that opposed him. Is this not typical of a wannabe dictator. Biden is not my preferred choice for president, but I'm dead scared of what could happen if Trump were to get in again especially if the Republicans were to get a super majority. I do not want the USA to become a third rate country with a mentally unstable satrap taking orders form Putin.


Posted 10:58 am, 05/23/2024

Hey creepyFakeyConrad:


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