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Are you angry by McCrory ordering NC to just accept Gay Marriage?


Posted 4:11 pm, 10/17/2014

It's true only Americans are gay, just do a Google search.


Posted 4:05 pm, 10/17/2014



Posted 3:49 pm, 10/17/2014

No battman, samesex marriage is an America thing. You see, America has this little thing called the Constitution.


Posted 3:45 pm, 10/17/2014

don't blame the republicans for gay marriage....that one is square on the liberal democrats!!!!


Posted 3:16 pm, 10/17/2014

The point you are missing here is samesex people have the constitutial right to marry unless a law is made to stop them. In this lies the problem, our constitution clearly states that a law can not be created which target a group of citizens. Laws must be universal and not just target a few.

Hunter S Thompson

Posted 3:13 pm, 10/17/2014


Posted 9:47 am, 10/17/2014

The last time I checked estimator72 it was not the law of the land that gay people have the right to be married, also they are not a protected like women, blacks and disabled people. The supreme court had not decided to make any of that the law of the land. Last week all the supreme court did was to say, we don't want to hear that. States have the right and duty to have their citizens vote on what laws they want in their own states. North Carolina had a vote and our Republican Governor did not to defend the decision of the NC citizens. Talk about being a republican in name only.

I believe you to be wrong. They fall into a protected class. If you do not believe it, try discriminating against one and you could be in for a very expensive legal fight that you will lose.

I don't agree with it, but as long as they leave me alone, I will leave them alone. I have several very good friends that are gay, they don't push their persuasion on me, and I don't condemn them.


Posted 2:34 pm, 10/17/2014

I am extremely disappointed in McCrory. He is not standing up for our state, and I am democrat, and he is a coward.


Posted 2:00 pm, 10/17/2014

I think the Declaration of Independence states something like, every citizen has the "right" to life,liberty, AND the pursuit of happiness. Now what makes me happy, might not make you happy.. What I pursue as happiness , someone might shun.


Posted 12:44 pm, 10/17/2014

I actually haven't removed any posts from this thread, except for the one from you at 10:16am on 10/17/14 that was replaced with a noted explanation.


Posted 12:42 pm, 10/17/2014

Wow, all the Vile And Vulgar messages have been removed with no comment from GoNC or GoWilkes as to Why !!!! I will also bet the offender was not Flagged or censored in any form !!!!


Posted 12:30 pm, 10/17/2014


As the World population continues to grow so does the gay population (Thanks to all you heterosexuals for conveniently "popping us out" on a regular basis).

Plus, Society as a whole has at last realized that gay people are just people who happen to be born h*mosexual. As ancient superstition gives way to reason more and more gay people are able to live being open about who they are. (Please note that by "Society as a whole" I mean the ENTIRE USA not just backwards inbred Wilkes County)


Posted 11:41 am, 10/17/2014

First of all, Good Morning to all GoWilkesers, especially our emcee/moderator Jason, who deserves a 55-gallon drum of thanks for putting up this bodacious site, & also for monitoring it; no, actually, I'm more confused than angry: Follow me, please: Despite the fact that gays cannot reproduce, there seem to be quite a few more of them now than ever.


Posted 11:35 am, 10/17/2014

The GOP at the moment is allowing Obama to run everything without any input from the House by doing nothing. Boehner will not allow the House to even debate or vote on anything to do with ISIS, complaining about Obama, while allowing him to do everything he wants to do. It is Congress' job to declare war, but the GOP is refusing to do it's job. What is wrong with our party? When did the GOP who are in power, just turn over their responsibilities and duties?

to be or not to be

Posted 11:19 am, 10/17/2014

pixel (view profile)

Posted 10:39 am, 10/17/2014

People, people. Let's not forget who the real enemy is here.
Don't hate the kind, gentle gays.

Hate the Muslims. They are the real threat to the America you love.

well said


Posted 11:17 am, 10/17/2014

I am mad and disappointed in the GOP in NC and their lack of response, espeically the Governor McCrory who did not defend NC,and the vote from NC Citizens, which he said he would uphold. After McCrory refused to fight, and then did not even appoint a lawyer, one from NOM volunteered offereing to protect NC's vote. so many NC republicans are mad about this, but I have not seen any supported suggest, impeaching and removing McCrory from his office. That man is a joke.

How many of the so called GOPer's on here who believe in traditional marriage, actually wrote a letter to our GOP leaders in the State House, or at least wrote McCrory that he was wrong?

to be or not to be

Posted 11:16 am, 10/17/2014

cardinal74 (view profile)

Posted 10:12 am, 10/17/2014

One thing for sure-none of the gays can produce the next generation!

Of course gays can't produce the next generation of gays. The straight folks are doing that for us.

And I am lesbian but that doesn't mean I am out trying to get in the pants of every woman I see. I am totally faithful to my woman.

And as for Gov. McCrory not doing anything to protect Amendment 1; well the short dirty answer is suck it up.

The more polite answer is that when the Judges of district 4 ruled that Va's same-sex marriage ban was unconstitutional after other courts ruling the same all across the country McCrory realized that the NC Amendment 1 was went against the US Constitution.


Posted 11:06 am, 10/17/2014



Posted 11:02 am, 10/17/2014

I'm not angry at anybody. Did I like the outcome? Nope. Do I think that it's fair that the people's vote was overturned by one judge? Nope. But, life isn't fair. It's not going to change my life. I'm still going to live the same. Life goes on. We do need to realize though that the people we elect on BOTH sides make promises that they will never follow through on. That's just politics.


Posted 10:39 am, 10/17/2014

People, people. Let's not forget who the real enemy is here.

Don't hate the kind, gentle gays.

Hate the Muslims. They are the real threat to the America you love.

Hug the gays, bomb the Muslims.

The gays don't want to chop off your heads and make our women wear
shower curtains from head to toe.

More of the same.

All this ruckus is meant to draw your attention away from the real problem
and that is the fact our govt is screwing us all.

It's theatre.

Illegal for gay marriage, legal gay marriage - doesn't hurt or help the
mess we're really in.

Look at the big picture toward the back of the theatre, and not the
dangly bits the govt is putting out to distract you.



Posted 10:32 am, 10/17/2014

I misspoke a little to say that gay marriage hasn't affected me . it has made me very happy for all those American citizens who are getting a right that they should have had a long time ago. All the gay American Citizens that I have the privilege of knowing, are very productive in their lives.

For those who choose to sit around and say "woe is me", go ahead. I hope someday you'll realize that the world is happier, and functions very well outside your cocoon of hate, and denial.

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