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Are you angry by McCrory ordering NC to just accept Gay Marriage?


Posted 10:23 am, 10/17/2014


Posted 10:21 am, 10/17/2014

You backwoods buffoons who keep saying things like "forced gay marriage" and having it "shoved down your throats", are being bigger drama queens than Ru Paul.

You are not being forced to enter into a h*mosexual marriage. Why are you all obsessed with things being "shoved down your throats"?? You are the ones who want to shove Old Testament beliefs onto an entire nation.

I agree with moving's post from yesterday, go ahead and succeed already, no one wants "your kind" here anyway.

Repube, how dare you say anything about Muse's post after the one you have made saying you wanted to round them all up and kill them! If any of you had to put up with a constant barrage of hatred and death threats, you would lose your cool.


Posted 10:16 am, 10/17/2014

Note from GoNC: this post was removed for vulgarity.


Posted 10:13 am, 10/17/2014

let people live their own lives in peace and live your own your way simple if you dont believe in gay marraige then dont marry someone of the same sex but if you do believe in it and were born gay then best of luck to you and congratulations its about time NC came out of the stone ages and had equal rights for all.


Posted 10:12 am, 10/17/2014

Canesfan and Paratrooper-this is what I have been amazed by-we had a vote; and the majority voted for One man One woman means marriage. It became a Constitutional amendment. Now one liberal judge has overturned the will of the people. The judicial election is very important. Take the time to look over the candidates in November's election. Vote for Constitutional conservatives. One thing for sure-none of the gays can produce the next generation!


Posted 10:12 am, 10/17/2014

trublue (view profile)

cassidy1951 (view profile)

Posted 9:53 am, 10/17/2014

TrueBlue...gays should be treated equal under all laws in this country......get over the notion that they CHOOSE to be gay, it doesn't work that way.

Cassidy people decide to have sex or not. I am normal but I don't have sex with every woman I want to have sex with. I chose not to have sex all the time. Gay people can't decide to or not to have sex? We should let rapist off because they are born to want to have sex.

OMG, Lib-Turd Heads are exploding right now !!!!

alonzo harris

Posted 10:08 am, 10/17/2014

For those who say: "it's over, you lost". Put the shoe on the other foot...

Let's use the example of gun rights. We came within one vote of losing the second amendment as we know it; if Obama and his henchmen got their way. Yet, in the face of the Supreme Court affirming the 2nd amendment is an individual right...the democrat thugs in DC and Chicago have spent the intervening years erecting every possible barrier to the peaceful carry of firearms by the general public. Taxes, training requirements, myriad other regulations designed to make exercise of constitutional rights difficult and costly.

Surely you don't have any problem when this approach is applied to the gay rights issue???



Posted 10:08 am, 10/17/2014

cassidy1951 (view profile)

Posted 9:53 am, 10/17/2014

TrueBlue...gays should be treated equal under all laws in this country......get over the notion that they CHOOSE to be gay, it doesn't work that way.

Cassidy people decide to have sex or not. I am normal but I don't have sex with every woman I want to have sex with. I chose not to have sex all the time. Gay people can't decide to or not to have sex? We should let rapist off because they are born to want to have sex.


Posted 10:05 am, 10/17/2014

If someone reallly cares about NC being forced to abandon traditional marriage, they can protest, complain, write letter, stop supporting companies who paid lawyers to force this on us despite our vote, complain to anyone who is suppose to defend the citizens of NC who did speak in this manner. If you disagree with forced gay marriage then give to the National Organization for Marriage. The liberals know how to push companies to do stuff, write letters, fuss at their own democrates who do not tow the party line, Republicans have lost their balls about actually protesting, working or giving money to protect their views. Too many supposed republicans people on here whine but do nothing. One on here yesterday told me that they would not boycott companies because the like mcdonalds, coke, oreos, and Wells Fargo, and they did not want to suffer to support their beliefs. We need to do what works. How do you think all those companies decide to support same sex marriage, instead of traditional marriage? Liberals know how to play the capital system. We have to do it too.


Posted 9:53 am, 10/17/2014

TrueBlue...gays should be treated equal under all laws in this country......get over the notion that they CHOOSE to be gay, it doesn't work that way.


Posted 9:47 am, 10/17/2014

The last time I checked estimator72 it was not the law of the land that gay people have the right to be married, also they are not a protected like women, blacks and disabled people. The supreme court had not decided to make any of that the law of the land. Last week all the supreme court did was to say, we don't want to hear that. States have the right and duty to have their citizens vote on what laws they want in their own states. North Carolina had a vote and our Republican Governor did not to defend the decision of the NC citizens. Talk about being a republican in name only.


Posted 9:39 am, 10/17/2014

You all just need to get over it! You can not pass a law that discriminates against a class of people because you believe something different. It's like voting to prevent women from voting or interracial marriage. Gays getting married doesn't have not one iota effect on anything in this country....you can pretend all you want that it will destroy the American family blah blah blah......the fact is that straight people are doing a good job of it already!

alonzo harris

Posted 9:32 am, 10/17/2014

3. The vote of a judge is not always right, either.

Black robes don't make a person smarter or wiser, or value liberty. Given that judges are lifelong suckers on the govt teat, there's good reason to believe just the opposite.


Posted 9:32 am, 10/17/2014

The best way to fight this ruling is to vote out the liberal biased judges and the politicians that appoint these liberal biased judges. Too many judges are letting their biases dictate their rulings and forget about the constitution.


Posted 9:26 am, 10/17/2014

You do understand that a vote can not, nor should it, over rule the Constitution. What you don't seem to understand is that a popular vote has not standing if it is unconstitutional. When the Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal on the Gay marriage case it in effect legalized it. The Conservative Supreme Court. Whether you like it or not it is now law. To fight the case would be a waste of money.


Posted 9:19 am, 10/17/2014

He could have fought. He could have supported the legal vote by the majority of NC. He could have ordered state lawyers to defend and postpone. He did none of these things. He could have have supported and worked with the National Organization for Marriage who volunteered to provide lawyers. He sent out new forms and ordered his employees, our employees to go against the legal vote in NC. He did nothing to stop it, but even helped them.

I have donated to the National Organization for Marriage to defend NC. Support them to fight this.,The other side has so much money from those companies, but there are more of us.


Posted 9:17 am, 10/17/2014

When Gov. McCrory took the oath of office he swore to uphold the constitution of the state of North Carolina. While the marriage was allowed to stand, that was what he upheld, and then when it was overturned, he is obligated to uphold that. He didn't endorse what happened. He is bound by the law to uphold what the consitution now says. Don't be angry with him. Be angry with that one judge--Cogburn--who has a history of idiotic decisions and was not even elected but appointed by DC. One man over-ruled what the majority voted for.

Top Soil

Posted 9:16 am, 10/17/2014


1) the vote of the majority isn't always right, or constitutional. i.e. anti-gun laws, or gay marriage.

2) Had Gov. McCrory attempted to struck down a higher courts he would have been labeled as a dictator by the right wing for being able to just make up his own rules and disregard the constitution Art.III, and the constitution of the State of North Carolina.


Posted 9:16 am, 10/17/2014

paratrooper88 (view profile)

Posted 9:10 am, 10/17/2014

The problem I see is that the higher court ruled over the vote of the people. Why did we have the vote only to be over ruled by one judge?

I recall a Presidential election where the majority voted but judges ruled, that was OK for the repubs.


Posted 9:12 am, 10/17/2014

Wow , it hasn't affected me at all. hope you all live through it.

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