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American Violence


Posted 2:37 pm, 06/14/2016

I call them Christian extremists.


Posted 2:31 pm, 06/14/2016

ANYONE that would applaud this blood bath is TRASH themselves


Posted 2:27 pm, 06/14/2016

Being I currently live in the area where this guy went to school and worked, I now have a sign on the interior of my door. "don't forget keys,wallet ,cellphone,GUN....


Posted 2:21 pm, 06/14/2016

Not all Baptist ministers are Christians.


Posted 2:20 pm, 06/14/2016

Anyone that applauded what happened doesn't have the love of Christ. Period.


Posted 2:15 pm, 06/14/2016

Baptist minister in CA applauded the mass shooting. See the link I provided a couple of comments below.


Posted 2:10 pm, 06/14/2016

@Anti:: Did i mention anything about harassing? It makes no sense to you? But yet you agree he killed 50 individuals + injured 50+ more, & that makes sense? Hypothetically, if you had two or three relatives there would it have made any sense? I don't understand the stance you're taking on this. How long did Gov. agencies pretend or attempt to find Bin Laden? How many chances did they have too take him out but didn't? If truth be known, they knew his where about's probably 24/7. Yet how many died under his direction until his fall?


Posted 1:52 pm, 06/14/2016

"Hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? No ... I think that's great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida's a little safer tonight," Jimenez told the congregation hours later.


Posted 1:42 pm, 06/14/2016

I have seen the Christian community speaking out like I have seen the Muslim community speaking out against it as well. Anyone can claim they are acting out in the name of whatever but that doesn't mean they speak for every what ever they are doing it in the name of , Christian or Muslim etc etc. Hate is hate just saying. the sad part is innocent people loose their lives due to someone's ignorance and hate.

Ole Sarge

Posted 1:37 pm, 06/14/2016

However, when Sleepy Floyd wakes up and finds the JV team has gone Varsity, he needs to send in the fire to reduce their appeal.

Truth Speaker

Posted 1:37 pm, 06/14/2016

@ Assantithesis You Do Realize the The Washington times is a Liberal Rag that Borders on Moonbattery Dont you?

Ole Sarge

Posted 1:36 pm, 06/14/2016

I think you have selective hearing. I said no such thing.


Posted 1:34 pm, 06/14/2016

I hear it all the time, Sarge! Not from the politicians, but from regular people like #Worst, and I think you were saying it yourself yesterday. There are a lot of people out there that think we should just burn all Muslim countries to the ground.

I think that Shoulda was asking Glitter if she, personally, thinks that all of Islam is the enemy.

Ole Sarge

Posted 1:29 pm, 06/14/2016


Posted 12:57 pm, 06/14/2016

Which point do you disagree with, glitter?

Do you think all of Islam is our enemy?

Has anyone besides the liberal left media and political hacks use this comment. I have not heard ONE republican say all Islam is our enemy. Nor, have I heard Trump say all Muslims should be permanently ban from coming to the US. You twister and liars are making it up.


Posted 1:26 pm, 06/14/2016

@Truth Speaker:: I Agree 100%.Yet FBI had suspicion & interviewed him twice,but where was any follow up? If you heard through the grapevine your home was going to be vandalized tonight, do you leave home on purpose just to not be involved? My view the man should have been under watch 24/7. So in saying, the FBI is just as guilty as the shooter. Just as the POTUS said as Americans we shouldn't be judgemental of any group or individual until the investigation is completed, & afterwards keep yo mouth shut. Yet we have 50 people slaughtered and as many in a medical care facility. What's next?

I don't think this makes any sense. The FBI interviewed him twice and didn't find anything to charge him with. So you think that the FBI should just be able to continue harassing American citizens, without any type of proof? That they should use limited resources to harass people that haven't done anything wrong?

Granted, he DID end up doing something, but at the time he had committed no crime. How long were they supposed to watch him 24/7?

If they get word that you are an ISIS supporter, how long should they watch YOU 24/7? A year? Two years? The rest of your life?

Truth Speaker, your guy asked, "why aren't the peaceful Muslims telling the SOBs that are blowing up things, why are you blowing up things?"

They have. Countless times. The problem is that you don't see that there's a difference between the Taliban and Islam:


Look at the link I gave to mommotwo earlier, and you'll see that there have been a lot more Christian terrorist attacks than Muslim. Why isn't the Christian community speaking out against them?

Truth Speaker

Posted 1:18 pm, 06/14/2016


Posted 1:16 pm, 06/14/2016

@Truth Speaker:: I Agree 100%.Yet FBI had suspicion & interviewed him twice,but where was any follow up? If you heard through the grapevine your home was going to be vandalized tonight, do you leave home on purpose just to not be involved? My view the man should have been under watch 24/7. So in saying, the FBI is just as guilty as the shooter. Just as the POTUS said as Americans we shouldn't be judgemental of any group or individual until the investigation is completed, & afterwards keep yo mouth shut. Yet we have 50 people slaughtered and as many in a medical care facility. What's next?


Posted 1:07 pm, 06/14/2016

Then don't link all followers of Islam to violence, and I won't link all followers of Christianity to violence.


Posted 1:06 pm, 06/14/2016

any and all peaceful followers of either....


Posted 1:05 pm, 06/14/2016

Including followers of Islam and Christianity?

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