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Threads 41 - 60 of 210





Just because man says it doesn't make it TRUE. You can't ride the rails. You choose
Does the Bible say Saturday is the Sabbath? No other day has ever been sanctified as the day of rest. The Sabbath Day begins at sundown o...

Trump can talk, not blunder
Isn't it interesting that Trump can talk, talk, and talk not like Biden that has his stutter issues plus his getting lost, unable to find...

Should the RNC decide to dump Trump
Who should they choose as their candidate?

It was Trump's own Justice Department that indicted Michael Cohen
for his participation in this same crime back in 2018.

For the record.
Certain MAGATS on this site delight in accusing me of having TDS, they are absolutely correct, I have a severe case of TDS and I see no r...

That seals it.
I will never vote for a democrat again. I don't care who is running as a Republican. Straight ticket from now on.

Meanwhile, Biden starts world war 3
BOMBSHELL: President Joe Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside of Russia using US weapons. This is an act of war from t...

Biden has given the okay to start WW3
So dumb.

Liberal minds will explode
When Trump pardons himself 😂

RNC, do you think that Trump will still be the nominee?
Trump's most recent conviction puts the RNC in an interesting position. His sentencing will be on July 11, at 10am... 4 days before the R...

Biden should pardon him
because he did what most powerful men do.

Is "Failure" Joe Biden's middle name?
https://www.foxnews.com/med...ody s show He can't seem to get anything right.

Lets get the Big Mac meal over $20
Lock Trump up and vote Biden

Breaking News : Jury Verdict In
Please be guilty!! That way Trump wins by a landslide.

Left Wing DA, Biden DOJ Alum Secure Trump Conviction In Biden Donor’s Blue District Courtroom
Doesn't that about sum it up? FJB! https://dailycaller.com/202...Bn A9T6nJ6

pedo pete admin got soooo much winning! https://notthebee.com/artic...gliterally

7 built have been built , progress is slow them say
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the massive infrastructure package Biden signed in 2021, earmarks $7.5 billion for EV chargin...

I saw a lady on TikTok that really showed me why we have become so divided. She was talking about a video that another girl had made, whe...

How will YOU receive ETERNAL LIFE? YOU can't have Two Teachers.
Will YOU RECEIVE Eternal Life through FAITH in Jesus or The Christian Religion? Who will you Follow to life everlasting? John 14 New Livi...

Global Warming Makes a Hail of a Mess in Texas
https://www.washingtonpost....cord nwws


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