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10 dead in Oregon community college shooting


Posted 12:09 am, 10/03/2015

Ah, yes...the gentle tears are flowing as I type this. Weep, I shall, until the end of time!

So...do you believe the Kenya thing, too?

Beep. Beep. Beep.


Posted 12:04 am, 10/03/2015

Ah, now you are crying because I showed everyone how stupid you are.


Posted 12:01 am, 10/03/2015

Don't be proud you think the President is a Muslim.

Oh, wait, now you might not.

Because crafty trap. *wink*

Beep. Beep. Beep. Basking's backing up.


Posted 11:58 pm, 10/02/2015

Don't be proud of the fact that your parents shared markers.


Posted 11:57 pm, 10/02/2015

Yep. Genetics. Good. Stupid. Check. Got it. Set up. Okay.

Now...where's your credentials?


Posted 11:55 pm, 10/02/2015

That's your problem. You are too stupid to even know when you've been set up and led into the trap. don't be angry at me because of your genetics.


Posted 11:54 pm, 10/02/2015

Good ole wilkes county retards. I wonder if the people on this are the people.you see in walmart
Ya know the ones with no teeth or black or green teeth. Look like they not took a shower.in years smells like shine and weed and cant add 1+1 is


Posted 11:48 pm, 10/02/2015

Awesome backtrack.

Now...where's those credentials?


Posted 11:46 pm, 10/02/2015

I never said I think he is a Muslim, now did I

I only proved you to be stupid.

P.S. I've also made no claims about my own beliefs, and I don't care where Obama was born, since his mother was a U.S. Citizen. (Oh yeah, I've read the constitution and the law on natural citizens)


Posted 11:30 pm, 10/02/2015

Watch out! Basking logic ahead! "I tink he be a Muslem 'cuz blah, blah, blah!"


Hey, Basking...where's them Christian credentials? Let's see 'em you got 'em! I mean, surely it'd be awful easy for such a smart fella to prove he's a good old Christian boy, wouldn't it? You bein' so darn smart and all.

Hey, do you think the President was born in Kenya, too, little buddy? Please tell me you do! That be the icing on the "Look How Smart Basking Is" cake!


Posted 11:24 pm, 10/02/2015

Actually, yes, it's very easy. Because I just made you look like a babbling idiot because you don't know how to respond to an inquiry that you can't give an answer to. Because you are slow, let me explain it further. You can't prove Obama is not a Muslim. And on top of the fact that you can't prove this, his own history and sympathetic actions provide fuel for anyone that wants to think he his a Muslim.

You are right about one thing. You should have been a cowboy where you'd be safely away from others, out on the range, unable to do any damage with your stupidity.


Posted 11:17 pm, 10/02/2015


So do you admit you can't prove you aren't a moron?

Or I got a better one, genius: I bet you'd claim to be a Christian. (How could I ever tell?) Prove it, though, 'cuz I don't believe you.

C'mon, little buddy. Prove you're a Christian.


Posted 11:10 pm, 10/02/2015

So you admit that you can't prove he isn't a Muslim.


Posted 11:08 pm, 10/02/2015

Good luck, by the way!


Posted 11:07 pm, 10/02/2015


Prove you aren't a moron.


Posted 11:02 pm, 10/02/2015

He had a Muslim father, a Muslim step-father, and attended an Islamic school. Prove he isn't Muslim.


Posted 10:50 pm, 10/02/2015

Oh, yes. I am extremely tolerant of nitwits who think the President was born in Kenya. Or is a Muslim.


Posted 10:36 pm, 10/02/2015

I'm always so amazed at how tolerant open minded liberals are.


Posted 9:38 pm, 10/02/2015

Now, now, Crypt. Those are Good Guys with guns standing behind you in line, mumbling something about Kenya. Until that split second when they aren't, dontchaknow.


Posted 9:16 pm, 10/02/2015

"Every year, about 42.5 million American adults (or 18.2 percent of the total adult population in the United States) suffers from some mental illness, enduring conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, statistics released Friday reveal"
And they took a 6hr. class paid $75 and are standing behind you at Walmart with a ****ed 9 mm.

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