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10 dead in Oregon community college shooting


Posted 9:00 pm, 10/02/2015

Also if they have a couple ar-15's and 10,000 rounds but only one roll of single ply toilet paper they might not should have a gun.


Posted 8:56 pm, 10/02/2015

Yes that would also be a good indicator of someone who 'ain't playin' with a full deck.


Posted 8:51 pm, 10/02/2015

Crypt (view profile)
Posted 8:42 pm, 10/02/2015
What we need is a quick test for mental illness like a one question test. If they answer yes to was Obama born in Kenya then confiscate their guns.

Can I add anyone who says "Obama is a Muslim?"


Posted 8:50 pm, 10/02/2015

Just last week the DHS held a mass shooting drill at Umpqua. Did they know something we don't?


Posted 8:49 pm, 10/02/2015

Empowers, I posted this for you earlier today. You must have missed it.



Posted 8:42 pm, 10/02/2015

What we need is a quick test for mental illness like a one question test. If they answer yes to was Obama born in Kenya then confiscate their guns.


Posted 8:41 pm, 10/02/2015

empowers (view profile)
Posted 8:31 pm, 10/02/2015
When will the madness end? When all legal guns are confiscated of course. LOL.

Who are you talking to?


Posted 8:37 pm, 10/02/2015

You may as well take down those useless signs that say 'gun-free zone.' That just tells the shooter that all those 'law-abiding citizens' would never bring a gun in there so he has no competition. Also the guy with a legal concealed carry permit and a gun was forbidden from going in and perhaps saving lives by the legal and caring college staff.


Posted 8:31 pm, 10/02/2015

When will the madness end? When all legal guns are confiscated of course. LOL.


Posted 8:06 pm, 10/02/2015

Idiot liberal how many times do you have to be told that ARMS = Guns & ammo

sparkling water

Posted 5:05 pm, 10/02/2015



Posted 4:58 pm, 10/02/2015

Some folks don't read what's been posted. They have an agenda, and nothing stands in the way of the agenda. Anything that causes question to the agenda is quickly forgotten.

sparkling water

Posted 4:57 pm, 10/02/2015

Thank you truth. I didn't know that. Nothing combats ignorance like honest facts.

See, gibs, truth pointed out my error(s) with tact and grace. That's how it's done.


Posted 4:55 pm, 10/02/2015

You're only sorry because you got caught Otherwise You would have never gave it a second thought.


Posted 4:54 pm, 10/02/2015

sparkling, I posted a link earlier to a story that talked with another student that was concealed carrying. You are incorrect in stating the shooter was the only one with a gun. There were others. And the school was not a gun free zone as others tried to insinuate.


Posted 4:52 pm, 10/02/2015

I Bet

sparkling water

Posted 4:50 pm, 10/02/2015

Did you see the part where I said I was sorry that I mislabeled ...

Get over yourself. You'll never be as big an *** hole as Umpire, so stop trying.


Posted 4:46 pm, 10/02/2015

You said (((a deranged individual, who was also a white male, to act out dark intentions, resulting in the death of 10 people and the wounding of still others)))You Clearly Pointed out it was a White Male You got called out on it and Now Your trying squirm your way out of it.

sparkling water

Posted 4:13 pm, 10/02/2015

Thank you shoulda for broadening my perspective.

sparkling water

Posted 4:11 pm, 10/02/2015

I haven't any idea of his race or gender for that matter. I was only referring to the part of the discussion when we wrangled with the race and gender of most serial killers.

Sorry if I mislabeled the race / gender of this particular bad person.

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